Darbhanga District

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Knowing Kamla’s sorrow could control Bihar floods
The floodplains of Bihar have an excellent natural flood control and irrigation system in place. Why is the government ignoring it at the cost of lives and livelihoods? Posted on 08 Jun, 2016 07:41 PM

“When I was a boy, a family and their livestock could feed on just one crop for three years,” says Jugal Mandal of Sakhwar village in Darbhanga district. “For the last five years though, the village fields have been fallow because we have not had water,” he adds.

A young girl leads her buffaloes in search of water
Collateral damage: Buffalo herders and privatisation of water
Livestock herders are the unreported victims of unpredictable rainfall, denied access to existing sources of water, and xenophobia. India Water Portal speaks to one such set of refugees. Posted on 17 May, 2016 11:23 AM

Kishan Yadav has a lot in common with the popular flute-playing god whose namesake he is. They share a name, a caste, a profession, and the land they live on.

Buffaloes huddle  in the meagre shade offered by roadside trees in their search for water
Ponds of Darbhanga deconstructed!
Darbhanga's many ponds which are centuries-old, are disappearing thanks to land sharks. While local groups are working to protect them, they aren't getting the required help from the authorities. Posted on 11 Aug, 2014 02:37 PM

The vast plain in Mithilanchal (now a part of Bihar) wore a festive look despite the early hour. People had been gathering since the wee hours of the morning. Children wore their festive best while women, flowers in their hair and anticipation in their eyes. The air was redolent with the fragrance of the ceremonial fire and the aroma of roasting gram and fried sweets.

Harahi talaab, Darbhanga
"Bagmati Calling" : Dharna by villagers demanding rehabilitation
"Bagmati Calling" : Dharna by villagers demanding rehabilitation Posted on 16 Jan, 2008 08:58 AM

The Bagmati Calling : I am reporting from the south bank of the Bagmati near Benipur in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar.
