Training course on “Managing Pollution”, 2nd to 6th May 2011 at Colombo, Sri Lanka – Last date to apply 11th April 2011

Cap-Net, SCaNPollution is a serious and neglected aspect of water resources management, having multiple health and environmental consequences and effectively reducing water resource availability by making it unfit for use. The situation is by no means unique and repeats itself in many countries where a focus on development, a lack of capacity, funds or willingness to apply the regulations results in widespread water quality issues.

The focus on water quality of both the 2010 World Water Day and World Water Week suggests that a change is taking place. Cap-Net, UNEP, UNEP-DHI Centre for Water and Environment and capacity building networks Nile IWRM Net and Cap-Net Lanka have developed this course as part of a collaborative programme addressing pollution management. Water managers and capacity builders working on pollution management are invited to apply.


  • Water pollution: Issues and concerns.
  • Pollution management as part of Integrated Water Resources Management.
  • Water and the environment
  • Policy, legislative and institutional framework
  • Strategic framework for water pollution management
  • Water quality management: Objectives, guidelines and standards
  • Financing pollution management
  • Working with stakeholders
  • Water pollution licensing
  • Monitoring systems
  • Information management

The purpose of the course is to promote pollution management in the context of the IWRM approach. Participants are expected to return to their countries and through their organisation promote improved pollution management by organising training courses or implementing the knowledge gained. To help follow up at country level with further training, the target group for the course is therefore:

  • Water managers with a responsibility to carry out water quality management
  • Trainers in the field of water quality and pollution management
  • Members of capacity building networks affiliated to Cap-Net

Last date to submit the application form: 11th April 2011

Interested members can apply by sending the completed application form along with their CV to and

Download the below attachments for announcement and application form

Contact Details:
Dr. Jayati Chourey
Network Manager
SaciWATERs-CapNet Network (SCaN)

Apply By
Path Alias


Post By: abhishek.r