SaciWATERs calls for a research grant in South-Asia for Grounded Gender-Agriculture Research

Research scholarships for ‘Promoting Young Researchers in South Asia for Grounded Gender-Agriculture Research’ is now opened for applications from Bangladesh, India and Nepal. The scholarship is funded by the Consortium Group of International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) Water, Land and Ecosystems in partnership with SaciWATERs.

The project will award 3 research grants to local, mid-career researchers and professionals (one each in North Bengal in India, North Bangladesh and Nepal (Terai). This research grant aims at supporting multi-disciplinary, applied research on the inter-linkages between gender relations, agriculture and ecosystem challenges. The 3 winning grants will be selected through a competitive review process.

Kindly apply by July 20th 2015.

Please download the full grant call and proposal template from here.

Apply By
Path Alias

