Forwarded to the Portal by: Deepa Gupta , IYCN One of the central features of JNNURM is community participation. Mandatory reform conditions such as Community Participation Law, to enable constitution of Area Sabhas within municipal wards and Public Disclosure Law are testimony to this fact. However, our experience shows community participation in various aspects of implementing JNNURM needs much greater attention than just the passage of laws for community participation. It is being increasingly realized that communities have little capacity to participate. Objective of the Fund: The primary objective of the fund is to catalyse community participation by supporting the building of community assets. In the long run, this should lead to increased community participation in the city's functioning thus enabling them to develop a sense of ownership on community assets and take on responsibilities for community-based exercises. There is provision for about 1000 community projects under CPF, with Rs.90 crores already approved. At least 50 to 100 projects are to be supported in the next six months, subject to conditions (including 10% project cost contribution by the community). Who Can Apply? - Citizens at large (both poor and non-poor) - Community Based Organizations (RWAs, Neighbourhood Groups, Youth Clubs, Shopkeepers Associations) / Area Sabhas (provided the proposal is supported by minimum 51% of eligible voters in the project area (concerned polling booths) - Individuals, NGOs, ULBs, private sector, etc. not eligible but if the community cannot execute the project itself due to lack of technical expertise or because its not a registered body then it can nominate an NGO to do so. - Another possibility is, if an NGO is working in a community and it feels the need for a particular kind of project, it can mobilize the community to apply for it and the community in turn can nominate the NGO to execute the project on its behalf. In this case just as mentioned in point (1) funds would be given by the ULB in the name of the NGO , which has to open a separate bank account for the project and put the duly collected 10% community contribution in it before the first installment is released by the ULB .ULB can also be nominated as an "implementing agency"by the applicants. Eligible Projects •The projects should have direct impact on the locality/ neighbourhood •The projects should result in enhanced community capacity to effectively engage and take on responsibilities. •There should be a clear plan for operation, maintenance and sustenance of the project/ activity undertaken. •Community consultation must form the basis of the projects. •Projects normally executed by ULBs/ parastatal agencies would not be eligible. Some examples of the eligible projects include: •group water distribution project for slum managed by a user's club •crèche for the children of working mothers •building/rebuilding a local vegetable market; creation of hawking zone infrastructure •multi-purpose community centres •community-based information systems and services •community initiatives in sectors such as municipal solid waste; safe drinking water facility How Does it Work? •Prepare a project proposal and get signed approval of 51% of the voters of the local polling list against their names in the voter's list. •Project to be prepared either by communities directly, or with the help of qualified local NGOs •Identify an Implementing Agency (RWA/NGO which is registered and fulfills certain conditions) •Project cost not to exceed Rs. 10 lakhs. Project duration to be typically less than 12 months •The Implementing Agency sends the project plan to the local municipality, which has to technically appraise the project and issue a clearance certificate to the project as well as issue an undertaking ensuring that no duplication of works is happening due to this project under CPF. Municipality forwards it to the SLNA (State level nodal agency) which forwards it to the PAC in the Mission Directorate in the MoUD (Ministry of Urban Development). •After detailed review by PAC, the proposal is placed before Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) for approval. •SLNA has to come & represent the proposal before the CSMC, upon approval by the CSMC (or the CPF Sub-committee constituted for the purpose), the entire quantum of the sanctioned amount to be transferred to the state treasury to be transferred to the local ULB to be remitted to the Implementing Agency in installments. •Prior to the release of the 50% of the sanctioned amount by the ULB, the Implementing Agency to deposit 10% of the project cost as community contribution in a separate bank account (5% in case of projects involving the urban poor) •Progress reporting and submission of Utilisation Certificates (UCs) to ULB As the ULB plays the central role in the overall implementation of the CPF projects in terms of guidance to the community, receiving proposals from the applicants, flow of funds, maintenance of records, reporting, etc; and the Mission Directorate maintaining oversight over the performance of the CPF and accountable for the outcomes and impact achieved therein, CPF is designed to define a new chapter in bringing grassroots communities into JNNURM. For detailed guidelines on how CPF projects are to be prepared and submitted, kindly see the Toolkit for Community Participation Fund, appraisal checklist of approved proposals, and model proposals (available on website: Email at: or call on 011-23061375 to TAG Coordination Cell for further clarification(s). Access CPF Program Flier here: Community Participation Fund - Flier