Geneva Raindrops Award 2009 by IRHA

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance

One of the aims of the IRHA's programs is to sensitize the population towards the benefits that rainwater provides. For should the advantages of the use of rainwater harvesting be recognized amongst professionals, is the population aware of it? Let us move out of the space where development specialists are dealing! Let us diffuse the information to the public at large and develop a common language. All these will certainly enable us to reach people who could support us in our work of the protection of as vital resource as water.

We would like to have more water in Greece, Australia and the South of Spain, less water in the United Kingdom and in Bangladesh. We would like to save the animals which die in Argentina due to flooding, and protect those which risk dying the following year due to lack of water. Not only must the act of rainwater harvesting be the priority of national political program on the agenda, but it could also become an environmental contribution for everyone. Furthermore, in calling for common effort to protect the planet, it should lead diverse cultures to come together. Good rainwater harvesting is an objective by itself, but it is also a means for adapting the world to its most haunting problem, which is the climate change.

Geneva Raindrops Award 2009

This is the reason why the IRHA launches at the end of the year the second edition of its grand competition:

Having the success record of last year at its first launching linking development with graphic art, this year will be awarded the Best Video Films demonstrating the techniques and advantages of catching and using rainwater. The emerging star will be Rainwater Harvesting! Participants across the globe are invited to present their visions and dreams on the usefulness and the worthiness that provides good rainwater harvesting.

The date for the final submission of the videos on the grand competition on Geneva Rain Drops Award, 2009 is 17 November 2009 at 12 a.m. (12 midnight) GMT.


To date, 1.1 billion people in the world have no regular access to supply of pipe borne water, and 2.6 billion individuals have no access to basic sanitation facilities. While climate warming is worsening, coupled with the natural unequal distribution of water supply on earth, rainwater harvesting offers easy alternatives and effective means to increase the number of available resources and to reduce flood risks. At the same time, it reduces the general impulsive use of water by individuals as well as enterprises. Here are double benefits: preservation of natural resources and taking stands against climate warming.

The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA), ever concerned with the advocacy for the advantages of rainwater harvesting, is launching the second edition of its international competition linking art to development. By this contest it is aiming at sensitizing citizens, often insufficiently informed, of the various ways offered through this model of water resources management. In this context, the IRHA invites artists of visual art, both professionals and amateurs, to present as conveniently as possible their vision on the benefits for human and nature of the celestial resource RAIN.

Article 1. Definition

The competition entitled "The Best Videos on the Advantages of the use of rainwater - Grand Award of Geneva 2009" is aimed at sensitizing the public to the importance of the "blue gold" in the present world.

The competition "The Best Video on the Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting" is organized by the IRHA.

The best three artistic works will be rewarded.

Article 2. Participation

  • All and sundry is legible to participate in the competition, without references made to age, nationality or profession. Contesters such as organizations, schools and video producing companies are welcome to the competition, provided that their participation is not sales related.
  • The members of the Secretariat and of the directorate Committee, as well as members of the families of the IRHA are excluded from participating in the competition.
  • The participants must submit their video work along with the filled in Entry Form
  • The deadline for submission of video works is on the 17 November 2009 at 12:00 midnight GMT.

Article 3. Video, Technical Details

  • The duration of the video: from10 seconds to 6 minutes (including the generics).
  • The format of the video: DVD (the best possible images and sound).
  • Preferred language: the video must be understandable for an international public; it could therefore be mute or with the use of English expressions, which are easy to follow; it could be accompanied by music or not.
  • How could the video be sent to the IRHA Secretariat?
  •    The Entry Form must reach in electronic format, at the following e-mail address:
  •    The DVD cassettes must be sent to the postal address of the IRHA, as follows:

"Rain Drops Award Contest"
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance
International Environment House II
Chemin de Balexert 7-9
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland

  • If the participant wishes, a WMV version (Windows Media Video) could also be submitted to the address In case the file proves to be more than 10 MB, kindly contact the IRHA for an alternative means of dispatch.

Article 4. Selection

  1. The jury designates the three best videos among the videos received.
  2. The jury is composed of: two members of the IRHA Secretariat as well as events sponsorships.
  3. The election of the winners will be considered on majority votes of the jury. However, in case of equal merits, the votes of the IRHA members are considered as casting-votes.
  4. The non exhaustive list of criteria on which the selection committee casts its decision is:
  • The force and artistic value of the message;
  • The clearly expressed advantages for mankind and nature of the use of Rainwater Harvesting;
  • The pertinence of the presented experiences/examples of realizations in the field of Rainwater Harvesting.

Article 5. Prize

  1. The presentation of prizes will take place in December 2009.
  2. The three best videos will be awarded prizes as follows:
  •     The first winner will be awarded CHF 500.00
  •     The second winner will be awarded CHF 300.00
  •     And the third winner will receive CHF 200.00

Article 6. Right of ownership

The contest on the "Best Videos on the advantages of the use of rainwater - Grand Award of Geneva 2008" is an exclusive event of the IRHA. All rights therefore are reserved in favor of the IRHA.

With regard to the videos and any other visual article submitted to the competition, they remain the property of their authors. However, participation in the contest implies tacit authorization to the IRHA to use them whenever it deems necessary to promote Rainwater Harvesting, on condition that the author's name is mentioned.

Article 7. Appeal

All legal claims are excluded.

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Path Alias


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