Call for Media Fellowship on 'Informing Change in Indus Basin'

Fellowship Details

The International Water Management Institute and its partners invite applications for the ICIB Media Fellowship. The Fellowship will fully fund reporting assignments for four journalists who can demonstrate the potential for incisive and original reporting on critical themes including, but not limited to:

  • Increasing risk and uncertainty in water availability across the basin
  • Changes to key environmental resources and how this affects communities and ecosystems
  • Disaster risk management and response
  • Major (non-climate) drivers of change in the basin including population dynamics, employment and social protection
  • Cross border conflict and cooperation

Duration and Funding

The Fellowship will last for three months and each selected fellow will receive a stipend of USD 3,000 (subject to tax deductions at source). This will support research, travel and writing and/or production (for multimedia), in their country of origin.

Application Submission and Deadline

Please email all of the above documents to latest by 1st August 2016.  In case of any queries, please get in touch in with Nitasha Nair (

For more details, please visit here

Apply By
Path Alias


Post By: Swati Bansal