Apeejay Surrendra Group launches 'Apeejay India Volunteer Awards 2011'

Apeejay India Volunteer Awards 2011

Apeejay Surrendra Group in association with i-Volunteer and International Business Leaders Forum, UK (IBLF) has announced the commencement of the Apeejay India Volunteer Awards 2011 (AIVA), an annual national recognition focused on rewarding work of volunteers and volunteer engaging corporate and NGOs. AIVA aims to identify champions in volunteering in India, recognize volunteers and organizations engaged in volunteering, raise awareness around volunteering, celebrate and promote this much needed effort and drive volunteering as a mainstream interest in Indians.

The Awards will be given to individuals, corporates and NGOs volunteer of the year with a sub category namely Youth Volunteer of the Year for an individual below 25 years of age ; Employee volunteering program of the year to a corporate and volunteer involving NGO of the year. The awards competition will be held regionally in four zones of India, including Mumbai with shortlisted candidates being eligible for the national round of selections. The grand finale will be held in New Delhi in August 2011, judged by a prominent National Jury.

The award will be given on the basis of

  • Demonstrated benefit to the community/organisation
  • Evidence of initiative and innovation
  • Commitment of the volunteer
  • Sustainability of the work after the volunteer has left
  • Length of service and number of hours of spent volunteering

Click here for application form

Download the below attachment for more details

Contact details:
Apeejay India Volunteer Awards,
No 10, KHB Colony,
8th Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore - 560 095
Tel: (080)-41466568
email: prarthana@ivolunteer.in
Website: http://indiavolunteerawards.com

Apply By
Path Alias


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