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July 2, 2024 Community governance for groundwater management
Jasmine on the fields as part of the groundwater collectivisation agreement at Kummara Vandla Palli village, Sri Satya Sai District. (Images: WASSAN/Swaran)
June 13, 2024 The rising trend of abandoning open wells for borewells in Chikkaballapur and Annamayya districts, and the potential negative consequences of this shift.
Borewell proliferation may dry up open wells (Image: FES)
May 19, 2024 The surprising connection between Wikipedia, beaches, and your water bottle.
A top down image of a lush green forest in a sacred grove in Meghalaya (Image created by: Sreechand Tavva)
May 15, 2024 बेहिसाब भूजल दोहन भूकंप के खतरे को विनाशकारी बना देगा। हाल फिलहाल के दो अध्ययन हमारे लिए खतरे का संकेत दे रहे हैं। एक अध्ययन पूर्वी हिमालयी क्षेत्र में भूकंप के आवृत्ति और तीब्रता बढ़ने की बात कर रहा है। तो दूसरा भूजल का अत्यधिक दोहन से दिल्ली-NCR क्षेत्र के कुछ भाग भविष्य में धंसने की संभावना की बात कर रहा है। दोनों अध्ययनों को जोड़ कर अगर पढ़ा जाए तस्वीर का एक नया पहलू सामने आता है।
भूजल का अत्यधिक दोहन
May 12, 2024 Rethinking community engagement in the Atal Bhujal Yojana
Towards sustainable groundwater management (Image: IWMI)
May 8, 2024 What is the ecosystem based approach to water management? How can it help in solving the water woes of states in the Deccan Plateau?
An ecosystem based approach to water management (Image Source: India Water Portal)
The best part of the story - A case study on drinking water management from the work of Samerth Trust in Kutch, Gujarat
This story is a continuation of the series on the 'vand' women of Kutch, whose efforts to restore and supply drinking water in the region is much appreciated. Posted on 07 Mar, 2010 02:18 AM

This case study is about Samerth's efforts to achieve drinking water security, in participation with local village communities in Rapar, Kachchh (Gujarat). Arghyam has been collaborating with Samerth on this effort since 2007.

The Best Part of the Story: Guest post by Keya Acharya

The landscape is barren in parts with just high heat and sun-bleached sand, the hallmarks of wastelands; in other parts there is some semblance of agriculture, with jowar, bajra and sometimes castor growing in small patches of mild green, without the lushness that good watering provides.

And in the middle of this landscape there appears, like an oasis without the accompanying palms, the ‘Tinnavahd talab’, a drinking water pond constructed by the community at Rabarkar vand, near Lakhagarh village in Rapar taluk of Kutch district. Inside the pond there is a dugwell, constructed on the pond bed.

Hydrogeological studies for improved groundwater management strategies in the dryland areas underlain by Deccan basalts - ACWADAM
This report by ACWADAM includes a detailed action research study in ten villages of eastern Purandar of Pune district, Maharashtra on the movement of groundwater and the situational base. Posted on 02 Mar, 2010 05:18 PM
WatershedThis detailed hydro-geological action research study in ten villages of Eastern Purandar taluka in Pune district (which is classified as a dark zone due to excessive groundwater exploitation) gives a good picture of groundwater resources in the area, and complements it with allied information such as weather data, socio-economic details, thematic groundwater maps, aquifer information, groundwater usage and its recharge-discharge relationship in space-time. 
The study was undertaken by ACWADAM and GGP, with a purpose to provide a platform for implementing agencies for on-the-ground action towards better groundwater management practice through community based efforts, as well as to advocate the typology of groundwater problems, that require specific approaches for mitigation. 
The starts with a basic introduction to the study area, objectives and methodology adopted, and is followed by sections on the accumulation and movement of groundwater and the situational base. These two sections have details about the drainage, geology and hydro-geology of the region, groundwater over-exploitation, groundwater salinity, community-based groundwater systems, groundwater characteristics, base flow in streams, water quality, weather, pumping tests, hydro-chemical characteristics, pollution indicators, socio-economic aspects, remote sensing maps and more.
The study recommends that to improve the groundwater situation in the area, new soil/water conservation structures be built in the upper reaches of the watershed, and focus for the existing soil/water conservation structures be on maintenance and repairs. It concludes with a list of specific action-recommendations based on three typologies - groundwater over-exploitation, inland groundwater salinity and community-based groundwater management.This detailed hydro-geological action research study in ten villages of Eastern Purandar taluka in Pune district (which is classified as a dark zone due to excessive groundwater exploitation) by ACWADAM gives a good picture of groundwater resources in the area, and complements it with allied information such as weather data, socio-economic details, thematic groundwater maps, aquifer information, groundwater usage and its recharge-discharge relationship in space-time. 
CAG India invites feedback on pollution of ground water, lakes and rivers in India
An initiative to invite feedback on pollution of groundwater, lakes and rivers in the country, by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) Posted on 16 Feb, 2010 03:14 PM


The Comptroller and Auditor General of India ( is starting a performance Audit on "Pollution of ground water, lakes and rivers in India". CAG has invited citizens to point out specific problems / issue regarding water pollution affecting them or the environment.

Training on Sustainable Groundwater Management in Semi-arid and Arid Regions of India, IRMA, Anand
Posted on 19 Jan, 2010 04:22 PM

A training programme on Sustainable Groundwater Management in Semi-arid and Arid Regions of India is being organized in IRMA, Anand, Gujarat on March 22-27, 2010.

Tips on sustainable use of ground water for Chennai residents
Residents of Chennai need to look for self-reliant measures on water use, write Sekhar Raghavan & Indukanth Ragade Posted on 18 Jan, 2010 02:18 PM

The water position in Chennai has been satisfactory for several years now because of a couple of good monsoons, good supply from Andhra Pradesh and from the Veeranam Lake. The rainwater harvesting systems installed by many citizens have also helped in improving ground water levels. However, citizens should not presume that their water problems are solved for the following reasons;

Chennai’s water needs are mainly met by impounding the rainwater from the Araniar-Kortalayar rivers north of the city and the capacity of the reservoirs is woefully inadequate. It has been estimated that an entire year’s supply flows wastefully into the sea consequently. The quantum of supply from AP and the Veeranam Lake is uncertain.

Improving water quality through recharge of open wells - VP Thuruth - Trissur - Kerala - The Mazhapolima intervention programme
A case study that describes the work taken up in the coastal riverine island of VP Thuruth, Thrissur district, in the context of severe water scarcity and deteriorating water quality in the island.
Posted on 27 Dec, 2009 07:47 PM

Mazhapolima was a participatory well recharge programme initiated by the Thrissur district, under which domestic water sources were recharged with rainwater harvested (usually) from roof tops.

Water economies - Of the rich and the poor
Study of water governance in the Indus Gangetic basin that observes that the water economy in this basin is largely informal Posted on 11 Dec, 2009 12:34 AM

Once it is known that the system of administration and management of water resources has grown in a manner which is not conducive to productivity and efficiency, then what options are we left with? How do we analyze the state of the system, so that the critical points are identified and improved upon?

Need for a comprehensive water database says Dr Anil Singh of ICAR
Details on the workshop on 'Tackling Food and Water crisis in South Asia- Insights from the Indus Ganges basin' Posted on 03 Dec, 2009 07:56 AM

Unrestricted flow, reproduction and redistribution of data has been a great concern with most of the projects and research establishments in India. As we heard the Secretary of Ministry of Water Resources voice his recommendations on the ways to tackle the looming water crisis, and the steps that the ministry is taking towards this, we thought of first putting down the highlights of the talks raw, before we get back to them in a detailed manner.

While we compile together all the presentations and papers, here' s a quick update on the talks from the first day. On the research challenges for improving the use and productivity of natural resources in India, Dr. Anil Singh, Deputy Director General, Natural Resource Management, Indian Council of Agriculture Research had an interesting observation linking fertilizer use with water consumption in the gangetic basin. It is assumed that both of these factors impact the crop productivity and this needs to be explored further.

He suggests:

  • India needs a ground water management policy.
  • The issues discussed in the workshop cut across all the basins in the country and have long term implications.
  • Gangetic Basin is critical for our food security
  • The attempt to reduce the cropping area would be a difficult proposition. We would have to live with it... area under cultivation is poised to increase and we might want to consider technological options like the cultivation of aerobic rice, SRI etc.
  • Another answer is mechanization in the agricultural sector. This may enhance efficiency.
  • We must consider a shift to precision farming as well.


Two new publications from the IGB project were released today by the Chief Guest at the workshop, U.N. Panjiar, the Secretary to the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India. Releasing the reports, Mr. Panjiar presented the government's perception of the present water situation along with some statistical data on the water usage. The challenges of food security and water security are global. Climate change has been an increasing concern too. He observes food security, water secutiry and climate change are closely related. The objective of food security cannot be achieved without water security.


 U.N. Panjiar releasing the IWMI publications on Indus-Gangetic Basin with Bharat Sharma and Madar Samad



          Anil Singh

Anil Singh delivering his speech

Mr. Panjiar puts forward the following recommendations, stating that these could possibly help us manage well, the problem of water crisis.

  • A comprehensive water database should be developed.
  • Assessment of impact of climate change on rescources is required.
  • Promotion of citizen and state action for conservation of resources.
  • Focus on overexploited areas.
  • 15% aquifers in country are overexploite and another 15 are critical. We must increase water reuse by 20%.
  • Basin level resource management is essential.
  • Irrigation potential crated and irrigation potential utilized must be to the optimal levels.
  • In agreement with Simon Cook, he emphasizes that efficiency is an important issue.
  • Water, energy and food productivity are closely linked. This relation and interdependence must be explored.
  • Remote Sensing techniques are critical in agriculture and basin management.


Government of India has launched a Water Resource Information System and most of the data is being made public under this project! Policy too, is being revised to make most of the data public and it is projected to be launched by the end of current financial year. Launching a National Water Mission of India is also being mulled over. (Read the related documents here)

Stating that it is important to ensure technology transfer to farmers to achieve “more crop per drop” he talks about a project conducted by the ministry in which 5000 demonstrations of relevant farm technologies were given to the farmers. The interim report of this project indicates that use of such technological interventions is important in improving the yield of the crop and improve water efficiency!

Depleting ground water scenario of Udumalpet taluk, Tiruppur, TN
Depleting Ground Water Scenario of Udumalpet Taluk(2009) is a paper by TS Badrinarayanan, a geoscientist with B Square Geo-tech services. Posted on 01 Dec, 2009 04:18 PM

Udumalpet taluk comes under Tiruppur district, a recently formed district of Tamilnadu previously under Coimbatore district. Udumalpet is the headquarters of Udumalpet taluk and popularly known as” Poor man’s Ooty” due to its cool climatic conditions. 

Speakers and presentations of WHSC 2009 day 3 : Ashok Jaitly talks about the policy issues on water conservation
WHSC 2009- Discussions and presentations by various speakers on water policy, rainwater harvesting techniques and Sulabh experience in sanitation Posted on 26 Nov, 2009 03:58 AM

Ashok Jaitly, Water Resources Department, TERI
Policy issues in water conservation

Habil Attarwala, Furaat Earth Ltd., Gujarat
