Every individual will have an instinct gene to love nature and plants. That encourages having greeneries around, that forces to show concerns for environment and ecology and that urges to look for safe and functional vegetables, fruits and so on. Sometimes, this gene gets masked by certain extraneous factors which need to be unmasked to draw everyone’s attention.
Vittal Mallya Scientific Research Foundation, Bengaluru, is conducting a Workshop cum Training Programme on Organic Terrace Gardening to promote and popularize the concept of urban horticulture in general, and Terrace Gardens, in particular.
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Regisration charges: Rs.500
Venue: VMSRF, 94/3 & 94/5, 29 Main, 23 Cross, BTM II Stage, Bengaluru- 560076
For Registration, contact Gauri at gauri@vmsrf.org or vmsrf@vmsrf.org or at 080-26687216, 26687183, 26687223, Extn 102.