Launching Workshop: Swatch Delhi Swasth Delhi (18th February 2008) (From Shipra Saxena, WaterAid India, New Delhi) Water Aid India, in partnership with Foundation for Change Management (FCM) and INDCARE Trust is launching a pilot project in four slum settlements in Delhi to create an efficient , sustainable and replicable model of water and sanitation services, which is demand driven and based on active community participation. This multi stakeholder workshop engaging key policy makers, utility provider and municipal administrators to promote synergy under the broader context urban reform agenda and JNNURM. The purpose of the workshop is primarily to seek advice and support from experts and key players of sector. Base line findings along with a film produced on the WATSAN scenario in Delhi and the proposed interventions of the project will also be shared during the workshop. A gallery to show case best urban practices in the WATSAN sector in the form of models, pictures or any other innovative idea is also being arranged at the venue. Shortlisted participants who would like to show case their work in urban areas would be supported for attending the workshop. Participants interested in attending the workshop as well as willing to show casing their work in the Gallery may contact Ms.Shipra Saxena of WaterAid at email: or Mobile: 09871487591 on or before 14th February 08. ===== Note: We request you to kindly contact WaterAid for more information directly.