Training programme on green building rating systems, CII and IGBC, Kochi, December 21, 2012

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Indian Green Building Council and CII



About the training programme

The Green Building Concept is gaining major importance in India, considering the tremendous benefits that it offers. A Green Building is one that is environmentally responsible, profitable and a healthy place to live and work.

Against this backdrop, CII-Godrej GBC is organizing a one day Training Programme on Green Buildings Rating System on 21 st December 2012 in Cochin, India. Till date, IGBC has conducted several Green Building Training programmes across India and trained nearly 16000 professionals on green building concepts.


The main objective of this training programme is to share best practices on Green Buildings and impart knowledge on Green Building concepts & LEED India NC rating system.


  •     Introduction to green buildings
  •     Sustainable sites
  •     Energy efficiency
  •     Water efficiency
  •     Material and resources 
  •     Indoor environmental quality
  •     Green building case studies

Benefits to participants

  • Exposure to green building design strategies
  • Acquire knowledge on IGBC green building rating systems
  • Get equipped to appear for IGBC AP exam
  • Exposure to green building concepts
  • Get equipped for green building facilitation.

Target audience

Government agencies, architects, builders, consultants, project managers, interior designers, building contractors, green building equipment and product manufacturers, institutions, etc,

Delegate fee

CII/IGBC members: Rs. 4,500/- (per person)
Non-members: Rs. 5000/- (per person)
Students: Rs. 3000/-  (per person)

Contact details

Somya Shankar Kundu
Phone: 040 4418 5164

Event Date
Path Alias


Post By: Seetha