Short course on climate risk screening, AFPRO, September 20 – 21, 2011, New Delhi

Action for Food ProductionOrganizer: Action for Food Production

Venue: AFPRO Training Centre, 25/1A, Institutional Area, Pankha Road, Janakpuri, D-Block, New Delhi


The course attempts to understand climate change risks and vulnerabilities; introduce concepts and approaches to climate change adaptation; and, thereby provide the participants with a framework for Climate Risk Screening. This in essence will enhance the capacities of the participants to integrate climate change risks and adaptation considerations into their project design and management leading to adaptive planning.

Registration fee: Rs. 10,000/-

Download the below attachments for brochure and application form

Contact details:
25-1/A, Institutional Area,
D-Block, Pankha
Road, Janakpuri,
New Delhi – 110058
Tel: (011)-28525452

Event Date
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