Online course: Youth leadership for climate action

Youth Leadership for Climate Action - Online Course
Youth Leadership for Climate Action - Online Course

Climate change is a global issue with impacts felt all over the world. In India, the state of Maharashtra is facing impacts at a massive scale. The government, public and especially youth must work together to be climate conscious. This online course by The Higher and Technical Department (HTED), Maharashtra, Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development (ACWADAM) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) aims at giving hands on training to understand what climate change is and prepare you for the future.

About this course 

This course has five units:

Two units are mandatory and presented together as:

  • Unit 1: Climate change
  • Unit 2: Water Management

Three units are elective units:

  • Unit 3: Waste management
  • Unit 4: Energy management
  • Unit 5: Biodiversity conservation

Once you successfully complete the mandatory units (offered together), you get a certificate. You can earn additional certificates with elective units.


Any person from Maharashtra within the age group of 15-29 years can apply for the course

Recommended background

No background knowledge is necessary. The content of this course is designed for candidates from any discipline.

The course duration

The course is self paced and can take 8 to 10 hours to complete.

How to register for the course

You can register anytime for the course at

The course brochure can be downloaded below:

Path Alias

