Theme: Meet the Millet! Say hello to HEALTH
Organizer: Sahaja Samrudha
Venue: Gandhi Bhavan, Bangalore
Millets are highly nutritious and one of the least allergenic and slow digestible grains available. They contain high amounts of dietary fibre, B-complex vitamins, essential amino and fatty acids and vitamin E. They are particularly high in minerals, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. The seeds are also rich in phytochemicals, which lower cholesterol, reduce cancer risk and are effective in preventing/managing lifestyle diseases.
Millets add diversity to our diet which is increasingly dominated by just two cereals – rice and wheat. Make Millets a part of your daily food.
Millets are hardy crops that grow in dry soil under adverse conditions. They are a resource friendly crop and efficient in carbon fixing, thereby reducing CO2 emission into our atmosphere, as compared to rice and wheat.
Contact details:
G. Krishna Prasad
Sahaja Samrudha
Nandana, No-7, 2nd Cross,
7th Main, Sulthanpalya,
Bangalore-560 032
Mob: 9880862058