Eco Festival 2010 : Films on water, wildlife & the environment, Kriti Film Club, New Delhi

Kriti Film Club

Organizers: The Kriti Film Club

Venue: The EcoFestival 2010, 24, American Centre Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi


  • Shruti and Kuki

Meenakshi Vinay Rai/ 17 mins. / English and Hindi (+subtitles)  

In this animated and live action film, Shruti, a little girl, introspects about her experiences in creative workshops she attended during winter and summer vacations. The film reveals how a child evolves simple explanations for complex issues related to the environment, and has won the Chief Minister Award for the best children's film in International Environment Film Festival. 

  • The Jungle Gang meets the Rhino

Krishnendu Bose/ 16 mins. / English  

This is the first episode of the series "The Jungle Gang". It is the first wildlife Indian film that has been made exclusively for children as the target audience. The aim of the film is to expose them to the diverse wild flora and fauna of India and encourage them to actively participate in wildlife conservation.  

The film has three animated wild animal characters-- Bar Headed Geese, Slender Loris and a Black Buck--three animals, which bring the flavour of three different habitats of India. They travel together to the Kaziranga National Park to know more about the Great Indian Rhinoceros, its habitat, threats and the conservation efforts which have saved it from extinction. 

  • The Story of Stuff

Louis Fox, Annie Leonard/ 20 mins/ English

This animated documentary takes a polemical look at a consumerist society by depicting the life cycle of material goods. It attempt to expose "the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world." A must watch!

  • The Story of Bottled Water

Annie Leonard/ 8 mins/ English

A film that addresses the need to stop and think about the billions without safe drinking water and adequate sanitation — and the hypocrisy of rich nations’ addiction to bottled water, when we have clean water for virtually nothing. She suggests that instead of putting our money in the pockets to multinational water bottlers, we put our resources toward helping to provide the infrastructure and funding necessary to provide clean, affordable water for everyone.

  • The Groundwater UP Project

Tarini Manchanda, Katie Gillett & Moriah Mason / 36 mins. / English and Hindi (+subtitles)  

Dealing with Delhi's "water crisis", this upbeat (and slightly offbeat) documentary brings us face-to-face with people who have to be resourceful for water everyday in this city.  Exploring current solutions like dams and sewage treatments plants, the film discovers ideas in unexpected places, and also highlights people pursuing creative methods like rejuvenating baolis (step wells), and rainwater harvesting.

About the Kriti Film Club

An independent initiative by Kriti team, we screen documentaries regularly as a research and awareness generation medium on different social, environment, development and rights issues. Our screenings are open for all and have no commercial value attached to them. Most films are screened in the presence of the film maker.

The EcoFestival by Kriti team also brings together ecoArt and dance workshops; ecoRhythms; ecoMovements; ecoCompetition; an ecoHaat; and even a small ecoCafe…Make Your EcoFootprints at this festival!

  • The American Centre is at walking distance from Barakhamba Metro Station.
  • Parking is available in the outer circle and in the Parikrama building next to the Center.
  • To facilitate your entry into the American Centre please carry a photo id. Mobile phones and laptops are allowed within the American Center. However, for security reasons, photography through mobile phones is prohibited.

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Post By: Rama Mani