Simi Mehta

Simi Mehta
Measures to usher in a low-carbon and equitable future
A sustainable low-carbon and equitable pathway would entail comprehensive changes in how we manage energy supply, forest, and agriculture. Posted on 27 Dec, 2020 12:27 PM

As the planet plunges towards irreversible climate change, the challenges posed by extreme weather events and environmental degradation pose an existential threat. The trends are irrefutable and there would be a temperature rise of around 3.2oC by the end of this century, even if countries abide by the emission reduction commitments under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

The developing countries are bearing the bulk of the burden of the emission cuts. (Image: Pxhere)
Air pollution: Filling the gaps
Controlling air pollution needs long-term holistic solutions such as a reduction in the usage of biomass, coal and lignite, and agricultural residues. Posted on 22 Dec, 2020 12:34 PM

Air pollution killed 16.7 lakh Indians and led to an economic loss of Rs

All Indian cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Hyderabad surpass the air quality standards by a significant margin (Image: United Nations; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
What India needs for effective waste management in times of the pandemic
The pandemic has exposed the flaws in our waste management system. Posted on 04 Nov, 2020 08:35 PM

In a span of a few months, COVID-19 has hit the world severely. At the same time, the water bodies are seeing more life, smog is giving way to blue skies, the air has become cleaner and many forms of pollution have plunged. However, coronavirus waste has emerged as a new form of pollution.

Image: Roksana Helscher, Pixabay
Governance lessons that could keep us prepared for pandemics
Leo Saldanha of Environment Support Group speaks on rethinking aspects of our governance system in post-pandemic times. Posted on 30 Sep, 2020 05:09 PM

Unabashed assaults by human beings on the natural ecological system have caused the coronavirus to spread in the first place.

Decentralised governance systems that allow to adapt and learn are best placed to deal with disasters (Image: Kantsmith, Pixabay)