Nisha Thompson

Nisha Thompson
From unwieldy to understandable – transform the way you view data
People are afraid of data and numbers because it seems complicated. Visualising it will help you understand, form patterns and analyse better.
Posted on 19 Jun, 2013 10:38 AM

IWP has over 200 sets of water data online. Of this, we have converted around 16 to an Excel format and will be adding more in the coming weeks for you to download. Use our Data Finder, a search tool for finding water data online, to search for this information. 

Piece the data puzzle together to tell a story
Water data at your fingertips !
Today India Water Portal is introducing a new tool that will bring a wide range of water and related information to your fingertips.
Posted on 02 Nov, 2011 11:21 AM

The Data Finder aims to bring together all water data from all over the web and put them in one convenient searchable tool so you can use it for any projects you are working on.

Water Hackathon, sponsored by the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), Indian Institute of Human Settlements and India Water Portal in October 2011
People from the water sector and software developers come together for the Water Hackathon.
Posted on 28 Oct, 2011 12:27 PM
