Carewater INREM Foundation

Carewater INREM Foundation
Groundwater and well water quality in alluvial aquifer of Central Gujarat - A paper by CAREWATER
Assessing groundwater and well water quality in the alluvial aquifers of Central Gujarat. Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 08:58 PM

carewaterThe report by Carewater INREM Foundation deals with groundwater and well water quality in the alluvial aquifers of Central Gujarat. Gujarat has a hydrogeology representative of almost all aquifer types and depositional & formation eras. Contamination of aquifers along with scarcity of groundwater resources due to increase in water demand and reduction in recharge of groundwater from changing landuse, is a problem in Central Gujarat.

Possibility of revival of dug wells in hard rock India through recharge: A discussion paper by CAREWATER
Revival of dug wells in the hard rock regions of India: economic and social impact. Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 08:07 PM

carewaterThe discussion paper by Carewater INREM Foundation on possibility of revival of dug wells in hard rock India through recharge is based on a field study across ten districts of the country. The study seeks to understand how localized governance of groundwater in hard rock areas is to be pursued through pricing (water, energy), legal regulation and community institutions. Water supply augmentation and demand management are both to be taken care of, directly through regulation or through indirect instruments such as pricing.

Duel among duals - Popular science of basaltic hydrogeology in a village of Saurashtra - A paper by CAREWATER
Tradition and history show their scientific prowess over centuries of existence. Yet, the learning of formal scientific knowledge challenges it. A dichotomy or just two different languages? Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 07:57 PM

Carewater INREM FoundationThe report by Carewater INREM Foundation deals with the duel between popular science used in decision making by farmers and the formal science of hydrogeology that is based on scientific data collection. These two parallel streams of knowledge exist together, sometimes complement, and at other times are at conflict. People’s knowledge on hydrology is not ‘dying’, but thriving and growing well, refreshed continually by interfaces with science. In hard rock areas, the high hydrogeologic variability makes observation as important as theory since it is localized, pervasive and relevant to the needs of people.
