Write for the India Water Portal blog !

You can write a guest post for the blog and be published ! The India Water Portal blog is envisioned as a frequently updated section with short, informal entries about all kinds of things in the water sector. We welcome blog entries from anyone on a wide range of topics. Your entry would be published if : it contains relevant, useful, correct information, and is reasonably well-written (we may edit it). One or two photographs or images would contribute highly to making the blog more readable but are not compulsory. Typically the entry should not be more than 700 words and smaller entries are also fine. We will mention your name as the author of that post. Suggested topics are : - Your notes and impressions from taking part in a conference. We are very interested in such kind of content. We may even pay for detailed multiple posts covering an important conference. Check with us ! - Your product in the water and sanitation sector. A brief factual account written in an informal style with a couple of photographs is what we are looking for. - A recent project of your NGO or other organisation that you feel is worth highlighting for more people to hear about. - Awards, interesting news items, announcements, new books published … - We are very interested in blog entries relating to vernacular language content of any sort (books, websites, IEC material etc) - You can read through the past blog posts to see what kind of topics we cover - Good photographs that you have taken with a water theme. If you submit a photo, it becomes available for use by anyone with attribution to the creator (ie you) So go ahead and get published ! You may even win a prize from us if the entry is particularly good or you submit lots of good entries. Mail your entry to portal@arghyam.org with subject "Material for Blog Post" -- The India Water Portal Team
Path Alias


Post By: iwp