"Waternama" -New book released by CDL,Bangalore

CDL (Center for Development Learning, Bangalore, www.cdlblr.org ) will soon release their book documenting traditional water management practices. The book is a translation of an earlier version in Kannada. Some details are below. The softcopy of the book will soon be available from the India Water Portal site (write to us if you want to be alerted when it is)

A collection of traditional practices for water conservation and management in Karnataka

The book is a unique resource of valuable information on a selected mix of indigenous water conservation and management systems in Karnataka. Some of these time-tested systems have faded away and have been replaced by new technologies of water management.

Yet indigenous systems continue to be relevant, even today. If revived and adopted, many of these practices can be used to address the water shortage that faces us today. This book in English is an attempt to document some of the traditional practices with the hope that it catches the attention of water activists and policy makers.

Ordering information is available at the CDL website

Path Alias


Post By: iwp