Vermicomposting - A course from ICRISAT

This course by VASAT, a virtual coalition facilitated by ICRISAT on vermicomposting is meant for farmers, students and those interested in agriculture to acquaint with the technique. The course is divided into modules, lessons and units. The module should help reader understand and learn the following:

  • Supplying nutrients through properly treated organic wastes (organic fertilizers) can help increase crop yield.
  • How to create vermicompost (an organic fertilizer)?
  • How to use vermicompost?

A question-and-answer format has been used for most of the module, so that readers can get the information they need quickly and easily, with links to further information. The use of vermicompost is detailed as follows -

  • Promotes faster growth of plants, increases crop yield
  • Produces crops with a better taste, luster and lasting quality, without toxic residues: crops can therefore fetch a higher price in the market
  • Increases water-holding capacity of soil
  • Easy to produce and low in cost
  • Reduces salinization and acidification
  • Reduces soil erosion
  • Induces resistance to pest and disease attack

Other benefits for farmers -

  • Enhances soil productivity
  • Increases crop yield with less irrigation
  • Lowers risk of crop loss due to pest attack

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Post By: rajshekar