Third Gender, Water & Equity training workshop in South Asia

genderequity The Third Gender, Water, & Equity Training Workshop in South Asia, is being organised from Nov 23-27, 2009. WHAT WILL YOU GAIN BY ATTENDING? The programme will help in - • Understanding the larger political context of water where in gender and equity issues are placed at the centre • Strengthening participants’ perspectives on gender, water, and equity issues • Examining analytical frameworks that could incorporate gender in the planning and implementation of programmes in the water sector WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Mid-level professionals working in NGOs, donor agencies and UN agencies dealing with water management Activists, academics, researchers, and officials working in state and central government departments related to water management Applicants can be from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan Last date for submitting the filled in Application form is August 30, 2009. Selected candidates will be given full support for participating in the training. The venue will be in India.   The training workshop is jointly organized by Tata Institute of Social Sciences and SaciWATERs in association with SOPPECOM and Gender and Water Alliance Details including application procedure are in the brochure: gender-water-equity-training-tiss-saciwaters-soppecom-gwa-2009-flyer ====== Forwarded to the Portal by Dr. Anjal Prakash, SaciWATERs
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