The case study is on integrated water management in village Ghaghas, Haryana, which is replicable in general, though micro conditions in villages would be different. Often the failure of water management structures is due to lack of design for silt management. Three important water management structures which cause high impact in a typical Indian village are check dams, recharging wells and soak pits.
Additionally breaking the hard pan, formed in agricultural fields due to excessive use of fertilizers, by deep ploughing with chisel is also helpful in recharging. Low cost technical innovations were made in these structures vis á vis silt management for their long term sustainability. Sehgal Foundation’s experience during implementation and the lessons learnt are expressed. It is realized that water management need not be too cost intensive or long drawn in terms of time, if certain principles are followed.
This paper highlights ways in which ground water can be managed. When the community participates and has to contribute financially, there is pressure to innovate. Lot of credit goes to a few progressive villagers who are willing to try out new things and subsequently become demonstrators for others. The Foundation’s model depends a lot on volunteerism in the village and believes that further research on this is needed.
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