Send a photocopy of your water bill, win Dr. Anupam Mishra's book

test.jpg India Water Portal is working with Vishwanath Srikantaiah of Rainwater Club ( to draw attention to the pricing of water in towns and cities. To this end we are collecting water bills from cities and towns across the country. Water bills contain information about the kind of charges and tariff structure of that particular municipality or corporation. So they are a nice way to both get this information from all major cities and create understanding about water pricing. India Water Portal requests you to send us both sides of your recent water bill - either a xerox copy or a scanned copy. Even better will be if you can send the original. The first person sending their bill from each city of the country will receive a free copy of Dr. Anupam Mishra's book , "Aaj Bhi Khare Hai Taalab"("Ponds Are Still Relevant"). Make sure the xerox/scan is clear and legible. Scan can be sent to Original or Xerox to : India Water Portal, 840 5th Main 2nd Floor, Indiranagar 1st Stage, Bangalore 560038, Ph: 080 4169 8941 (it will be useful if you also send us a emai note at letting us know that you have sent the bill by post) Read an informal analysis by S.Vishwanath of Bangalore's water tariffs Read about Dr. Anupam Mishra and "Aaj Bhi Khare Hai Talaab" : In addition to the water bill, your comments on the water supply and pricing in your town/city may be useful. Please add your comment at the link below, or send it to If you city/town doesn't send you a regular water bill, we'd like to know about that too.
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Post By: iwp