"Right to Water and Sanitation", is a briefing paper (draft) written in March 2009, by Indira Khurana and Richard Mahapatra of WaterAid India, based on secondary research. It reviews the current status of drinking water and sanitation in India and concludes that viewing the issue of water and sanitation as a fundamental human right is necessary to ensure the provision of these basic facilities of the majority of the population in the country.
The paper states that with respect to drinking water and sanitation, civil societies can play an important role. This includes -
- Informing, encouraging and empowering communities about their rights so that these can be accessed;
- Empowering them to protect water sources so that these are sustained in quality and quantity;
- Convincing them so that they change their behavior towards a cleaner environment and judicious use of water;
- Engaging with the governments for sharing experiences;
- Adopt self regulatory mechanisms to control water quality and use.
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