(Under Procurement Rules of the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India)
- The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, is implementing a UNDP / GEF assisted Project on “Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative: India Country Program.” The objective of the project is to accelerate and sustain the solar water heating market growth in India and to use the experiences and lessons learned and promoting a similar growth in other countries. The project will contribute partially and leverage the 11th Plan target through installation of two million sq. m. of solar water heating systems. This will result in GHG Emission Reduction of 11 million tonnes of CO2.
- The India Country Project has been taken up under a Global Project by the Ministry in the context of its National Programme. In order to accelerate development and deployment of solar water heating systems in the country, a modified programme of support was introduced by the Ministry in 2005. The main objective of the programme is to promote the widespread use of solar water heaters in the country through a combination of financial and promotional incentives, and other support measures so as to conserve electricity and other fossil fuels, apart from peak load shaving in cities and towns. Soft loans are provided to the users under the interest subsidy scheme through a network of financial institutions, public/private sector banks, scheduled co-operative banks, RBI approved non-banking financing companies, IREDA and its intermediaries. Overall fund management has been entrusted to IREDA. A total of 3.1 million sq. m. of collector area has so far been installed in the country for solar water heating, of which about 2 million sq. m. has been installed since 2005-06. A reasonable infrastructure has emerged and experience is available for manufacture and installation for solar water heating systems. A target of 5 million sq. m. has been set for the 11th Plan (2007-12) and a goal of 20 million sq. m for 2022.
- Technical and Financial Proposals are invited from international and national expert consortiums / institutions for consultancy services required for “Development of standards, certification, test procedures and test facilities”.
- This Bid Document contains Terms of Reference and Instructions to Bidders for formulation and submission of proposals.
- The PMU reserves the right to alter any or all terms and conditions specified in this Bid Document. The terms and conditions governing the proposed assignment are not exhaustive and additional conditions, as may be mutually accepted, will be included in the Work Order / Contract Agreement. These conditions are also subject to modifications or deletion listed herein and clearly indicates specific deviations, if any, considered absolutely necessary.
- The Bidders are free to make suggestions in their offer, in addition to the specified Scope of Work or Methodology, to meet the objectives of the proposed assignment.
- No Pre-bid meeting will be convened. Queries, if any, will be responded to by the PMU upto January 22, 2010.
- At any time before the submission of proposals, the PMU may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative, or in response to a clarification requested by the bidder, carry out amendment(s) to the Documents. The amendment will be notified in writing or by Email or Fax to all Bidders and will be binding on them. The PMU may at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of proposals. The contractual obligations shall be as per the terms and conditions in the Work Order issued to the successful bidder at a later stage.
- The number of assignments awarded under this UNDP/GEF Project for being carried out concurrently by a consultant group will be restricted to two assignments.
- The PMU reserves the right to reject all or any of the proposals without assigning any reason thereof.
- It may be noted that the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including visits to the PMU, are not reimbursable, and the PMU is not bound to accept any of the proposals that may be submitted.
- The UNDP / GEF project goal, objectives & outcome, scope of work are given in Annex-I.
- An overview of the National Program on Solar Water Heating is given at Annex-II.
- Information about the National Solar Water Heating Programme and Scheme is available on the Website – of the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy.
- The selected Bidder is expected to commerce the assignment on the date specified in the Work Order.
4. Sealed offers under two-bid system (Part-I: Techno-Commercial Bid & Part-II: Price Bid) for the above-mentioned assignment may be forwarded to
National Project Manager,
Project Management Unit,
Global Solar Water Heating Project,
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy,
Block 14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi – 110003
Telefax: 011-24361152
5. Last date for submission of proposals is 4.00 P.M. on January 29, 2010
Download the RFP here
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