The India WASH Forum newsletter for January 2011. It is an open platform for engagement on contemporary issues, for an independent credible voice in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector.
- Recommendations on water and sanitation services to urban poor
The group came up with a list of prioritised issues that need immediate attention if the urban poor were to be provided with sustainable and equitable water and sanitation services.
- Water resources are under stress of depletion as well as denial of access for the poor
Drinking water needs are met primarily from ground water. Except for the large metros that suck away water from rivers, most small towns in India depend on ground water supply.
- Gram panchayat powers and sustainability of water sources and supply
Role and power of gram sabhas and gram panchayat for resource protection through stringent monitoring, preventing unsustainable extraction or pollution of ground or surface water by other users including industry, should be enshrined in Policy, Programmes and Laws at the national and state level.
- Empowering the Gram Sabha, panchayats and water sanitation committees
Appropriate fund allocation should be done for capacity building, gender sensitization, inclusive and participative processes for the village action plans, implementation, establishing redressal or conflict resolution mechanism at community and area level as well as for constant monitoring to prevent slip back.
Path Alias