National action plan on climate change

India on 30th June unveiled its climate change action plan which does not set target reduction of greenhouse gas emissions but seeks to promote sustainable development through use of clean technologies. The plan aims to limit India'a greenhouse gas emissions to less than that of developed countries. Unveiled by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the plan will be implemented thorough eight missions which represent multi-pronged, long-term and integrated strategies for achieving key goals in the context of climate change. The stated objective is to establish an effective, cooperative and equitable global approach based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and relative capabilities enshrined in the UNFCC. Success of India's efforts would be enhanced if the developed nations fulfill their commitments under UNFCC to transfer additional financial resources and climate friendly technologies to the developing countries. Eight missions focus on increasing share of solar energy in the total energy mix; They are: 1. Implementation of energy efficiency measures. 2. Launching sustainable habitats 3. Effective water resource management 4. Safeguarding Himalyan glacier 5. And mountain eco-system, 6. Enhance eco-system services. 7. Making agriculture more resilient to climate change. 8.Set up a Strategic Knowledge Mission for focussed research in the area. Summary of the National Action Plan on Climate Change from Pew Center on Global Climate Change The plan is available online for perusal here: National Action Plan on Climate Change Read more: Times of India The Hindu The Viewspaper
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