Much has been said about the paucity of good quality data in the area of water. There are several aspects here: In some cases there is simply no data or no good data either from government or other sources. In some cases the government does capture data but is not always ready to make this data freely available. There is not much clarity around the rules and procedures if any, for requesting data from the government. In the case of maps, there may be perceived security issues and regional sensitivities.
As a beginning in this area, India Water Portal would like to collect at a single location whatever information is available to us. This includes data and maps already there on the web for which there is value in collecting it at a single location. We invite NGOs and other organisations to send us whatever studies they have done to add to this database and make it more useful. The effort is experimentative at the moment -- we would like to put up whatever we find on the web or elsewhere. The next step would be to make the data well-indexed and searchable. The real value-add would come when there is space for everyone to comment on individual datum, point out the gaps, inconsistencies between different studies etc.
The links below are for national-level data or local data that we would like to highlight as deserving of more attention. The state links on the right contain resources specific to individual states
Click here to submit a report, map or other data for inclusion in this section