Local report from Koppal district

Dear All:

As we informed earlier, Victor and Sastry visited Koppal villages yesterday. They covered the flood affected areas with Mr. Nagaraj Desai of Sarvodaya (partner Organization of ILP). Yesterday they could cover two villages Hire Sindagi and Mudlapura. Mudlapura has 44 children studying in 1 to 6 Std. Hire Sindagi has about 115 families with 200 children of which about 60 children are not school going (one of the reasons why ILP is working in the region). Of the school going children, about 60 might have lost their books and notebooks etc., 

According to Victor, relief materials have started flowing. While they were visiting they could witness and got involved in distribution of materials sent through Kalyani steels and TV9 Groups. Food, clothes, vessels (plates, water container vessels) are reaching. The Health department is alerted and the villages are cleaned, bleaching powder and other dis-infect-ant were applied in the villages. But the relief materials are coming in sporadic manner and there is no control over it. All kinds of institutions are reaching out wherever possible with whatever they could bring in. 

But still people live in temporary shelters and fed through community kitchens though floods have receded. 

Both Sastry and Victor concur that there is no need for immediate food or clothing materials. It would be more meaningful to work with schools (children who have lost their books, note books etc.,) and anganwadi centres since many things were lost or damaged. 

Mr. Nagaraj Desai, Sarvodaya NGO leader also introduced Victor and Sastry to the Koppal District Collector Mr. Sathyamoorthy and local MLA who were in a distribution meeting yesterday in one of the villages. While the missing needs of Anganwadi and Schools were shared with the Collector, he immediately instructed the Anganwadi and School authorities to share required information with ILP for further working. 

The team is going to Raichur today and we will keep you updated with further developments in the field. 

with best regards,



A.L. Rangarajan

National Coordinator, 

Rejuvenate India Movement

# 6, Nelson Mandela Street, Chittlapakkam, Chennai - 600064, 

Ph: 044-22235133(w), 22235556(h), +919444971268 (m)


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Post By: vijay