Indo-German water network : Workshops in Bangalore and Chennai, April 2009

Image and Content Courtesy: Indo - German Water Network Forwarded to the Portal by: Martina Scheer The Indo - German Water Network, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is founded by German companies and research institutes. The target of the network is to develop projects, together with Indian companies and research institutes, in the field of water and waste water. On the one hand they are looking for companies and research institutes to participate in actual announcements of the Indian and German Government (current proposals are running). Also would like to invite all interested parties to our workshops being planned to be held in Bangalore & Chennai, in the end of April 2009. The Bangalore Workshop is being held from 22-24 April 2009, at Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB). For more information & details access here: The Chennai workshop is being held at CES Anna University from 28-30 April 2009. For more details access here: For more information about the Indo-German Water Network access here: For recommendation or questions concerning possible cooperation for the workshops contact Dr.-Ing. Martina Scheer, (project leader) email:
Path Alias


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