Hydrological information needs survey: Government of India

Civil society organisations, researchers and practitioners have lot of issues with lack of transparency in the water data collected by government.  Some government ministries are trying to address this issue by making available more data more freely. Below is a survey through the Ministry of Water Resources to understand better the needs of civil society in this regard and respond accordingly. The survey solicits input on the kind of data needed by the public in the areas of groundwater, river flows, water quality, aquifers etc. After completing the survey an email will be sent to your email address and only on clicking on the confirmatory link will your entry be added to the database -- thus allowing you to explore the survey without committing the results.    IWP encourage all practitioners who use this kind of data to take the survey, in order to provide genuine input to the government as it attempts to address civil society concers. The below is the text of the message from Ministry of Water Resources giving the details of the survey. ======= Hydrological Information Needs (HIN) Survey

In India, hydrological data is collected by Water Resources/ Irrigation departments of the Central and State Governments. It is under the consideration of the Government to review the process of making this data available to the users. Therefore, an internet based survey is being carried out to assess who are the users of hydrologic data, what kind of data is required by them, and for what purpose.

The Survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. You are requested to kindly take this survey and thus help assessment of hydrologic data requirements.


Click here to access the survey. If that doesn’t work, cut and paste following link in your browser's address window.  


You can also access the survey page from National Water Academy’s home page http://nwa.mah.nic.in




PS: IWP informs users who are not already aware that IMD has recently made available 5 years of district wise rainfall data on their website, see: https://www.indiawaterportal.org/blog/2009/06/05/imd-data-on-website-monthly-district-wise-rainfall-data-for-five-years/

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