Discussion forum news !

A very interesting thread has been initiated on the Discussion Forum on the Portal by Bob Eibl. The post in question is reproduced here: If the India Water Portal is serious about water conservation ,recycling and groundwater quality one must ask a serious question: Why are all the laundry powder and dish washing products, using over 70% Sodium carbonate and other Sodium or Potassium salts still allowed to pollute unchecked all waterways with millions of tons of said salts. It also increases the pH of rivers, lakes and the seas and causes untold damage to the environment and mankind. There are cheaper alternatives which are biodegradable and work as well. But are not being implemented. EPA and Water authority personnel are paid by the Public, not by the large Manufacturers. So why is this criminal act of pollution being allowed to continue? Readers can post their views and responses on the topic by logging on to the Discussion Forum. The Post can be accessed on the discussion forum here: Recycling of water

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Post By: iwp