Development of training module for water safety plan in urban areas A document by ESCI

A Water Safety Plan (WSP) is an improved risk management tool designed to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water. It identifies hazards, means to control them, means and actions to identify loss of control and its restoration. It comprises system assessment and design, operational monitoring and management plans (including documentation and communication). Water quality guidelines have been issued by the WHO.

Hazards may be introduced during treatment, or hazardous circumstances may allow contaminants to pass through treatment in significant concentrations. A WSP was developed and implemented as a case study in three different zones of Hyderabad city.

Poor sanitation, lack of sufficient and good quality drinking water, improper water storage and usage practices, poor hygienic practices, malnutrition, crowded living and lack of access to health care are some of the key factors that contribute to perpetuation of waterborne diseases. A survey of Hyderabad was undertaken to assess waterborne disease risks associated with water quality and sanitation.

An improved drinking water source is defined as a source or delivery point that, by nature of its construction and design, is likely to protect the water source from outside contamination. An improved sanitation facility is defined as one that hygienically separates human excreta.

Water distribution systems should be fully enclosed, the storage reservoirs and tanks should be securely roofed with external drainage to prevent contamination. Non piped and household systems too need effective control measures to detect contaminated water entering the water distribution system from surrounding surface foul water bodies, sewer pipes, drains and ditches.

Technical tools such as GIS based surveillance systems such as Integrated Risk Assessment-Water Distribution System (IRA-WDS) were developed.

Download Development of training module for water safety plan in urban areas, from the WHO India website.

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