Water resources sector in India is undergoing a wide range of reforms, and establishment of Independent Regulatory Authorities (IRA) is one of key turning points in this process. These reform processes have serious implications to a broad spectrum of issues in water governance, including sectoral allocations, water pricing and trading, access, rights, and distribution. Several states including Maharashtra, Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have already enacted laws for establishment of IRAs and the process of knowledge-building and awareness generation have begun in these states spearheaded by civil society organizations (CSOs).
The Government of Karnataka passed a government order in August 2008 for constitution of Karnataka Water Resources Authority. A similar process of knowledge generation and awareness building is required to address the issue of IRA prior to any concrete development towards institutionalizing a water regulatory framework in the state. This is an opportunity for civil society to come together and discuss issues of water governance in Karnataka to discuss and strategise on how water resources may be governed in the state.
ATREE (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment) and PRAYAS (Pune) are organising a consultation on “Emerging Water Regulatory Frameworks and Related Reforms in Instruments of Water Governance in Karnataka” on Wednesday, 2nd September 2009 in Bangalore. Considering the gravity of the issues being discussed, we kindly request you to actively participate in the consultation. Details of the programme and venue will follow closer to the date.
Participation is by invitation only or prior registration/intimation. Please send us your confirmation by email to di.badamirao@gmail.com, or sbadiger@atree.org.
Looking forward to your positive response and thanking you in advance,
Warm Regards,
Shrinivas Badiger (ATREE), Divya Badami Rao (ATREE), Sachin Waghdare (PRAYAS)