Afforestation not so cool - Article from Down To Earth

Article and Image courtesy: Down To Earth
Author: Aastha Jaspal

Planting trees will not reduce global warming, says study.

Snow-covered forests are less cooling than snow-covered crop land (Photo: Alegranholm)Snow-covered forests are less cooling than snow-covered crop land
Photo: Alegranholm

Afforestation, a key climate change reduction strategy recommended by the United Nations, will not have much effect on global temperatures. Instead, if carried out in high altitudes, it may lead to climate warming, according to a study carried out by scientists in Canada.

The scientists assessed the impact of replanting forests on crop and wastelands. They found that the benefits of tree planting are marginal when it comes to stopping the planet from overheating. The study was published in June 19 issue of Nature Geosciences.

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