Water Management

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July 15, 2024 Kritsnam where engineering meets hydrology, founded by K. Sri Harsha focuses on developing accurate, easy to install, tamper-proof, and weather-proof smart water metering solutions to deal with the growing water crisis in India.
An AI generated image, highlighting water shortage and use of tankers to provide water but water being wasted when available (Image Source: Praharsh Patel)
May 8, 2024 What is the ecosystem based approach to water management? How can it help in solving the water woes of states in the Deccan Plateau?
An ecosystem based approach to water management (Image Source: India Water Portal)
April 18, 2024 As the demand for water from the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is expected to rise due to population growth, the impacts of temperature increases, and development requirements, researchers emphasise the urgent need to enhance scientific collaboration and rejuvenate existing treaties and governance structures.
Rivers of destiny (Image: Vikramjit Kakati/Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)
April 7, 2024 Advancements in smart irrigation: IoT integration for sustainable agriculture
Enhancing efficiency through sprinkler irrigation (Image: Rawpixel; CC0 License)
April 4, 2024 Tackling India's water crisis: A blueprint for agricultural water efficiency
Women working in the field in India (Image: IWMI Flickr/Hamish John Appleby; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
March 22, 2024 Our role in decentralized water management to solve water crisis in cities.
Sunil Mysore talking about his inputs on solving the water crisis in cities
Manual on operation and maintenance of water supply systems - CPHEEO (MoUD)
A manual for O& M managers and technicians to strengthen the technical, operational and managerial capabilities for better supply services Posted on 15 Sep, 2010 10:58 PM

This manual has been developed by the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), a department under the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) and is intended primarily for the managers and technicians in-charge of the O & M of the urban drinking water supply systems.

The aim of the manual is to serve as a guide for strengthening the technical, operational and managerial capabilities required of the concerned personnel to operate and maintain water supply services as per acceptable norms of quantity, quality, sustainability, reliability and cost.

7th National Award for Excellence in Water Management 2010 by CII & Godrej
Awards to recognise good water management in the industry and to facilitate sharing water efficient practices Posted on 13 Sep, 2010 12:38 PM

CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre

CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre is organizing “National Award for Excellence in Water Management”.

The objective of the Award Scheme is to recognize and Award “Excellence” in Water Management in industries and facilitate sharing of information by excellent water efficient companies.

Seeds of Hope – Forestry - A Lokayan and Planning Commission study
Experiences and stories on agriculture, biodiversity, education, forestry, governance, health, movements and water Posted on 10 Sep, 2010 11:50 PM

This set of case studies is a part of a book prepared by Lokayan in collaboration with the Planning Commission titled “Seeds of Hope", covering themes of agriculture, biodiversity, education, forestry, governance, health, movements and water. The case studies related to forestry are summarized below:

International conference on environment audit - Concerns about water pollution - CAG (2010)
A conference to deliberate on the causes of pollution, governmental action, societal role and responsibility and management of sustainable water systems Posted on 10 Sep, 2010 05:15 PM

CAGThis link on the CAG website provides the details of an international conference that was held on 15-16 March 2010, in the backdrop of the environmental audit proposed by the the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, for management and conservation of the environment .

The purpose of this conference was to deliberate on the causes of pollution, action taken by governments and civil society to address this and environmental, management and legal interventions needed to put lakes, rivers and ground water on the path of sustainability.

More than 20 experts on water and water pollution issues were invited to share their views as panelists during the conference. Apart from these distinguished panelists, the heads of supreme audit institutions from countries like Austria, Maldives, Bangladesh and Bhutan were also present to share their experiences regarding audit of water pollution in their countries.

Seeds of Hope – Agriculture and Food Security - A Lokayan and Planning Commission study
Understanding the traditional ways in agriculture, biodiversity, education, forestry, governance, health, movements and water : "Seeds of Hope" Posted on 05 Sep, 2010 10:37 PM

This set of case studies is a part of a book prepared by Lokayan in collaboration with the Planning Commission titled “Seeds of Hope", covering themes of agriculture, biodiversity, education, forestry, governance, health, movements and water. The case studies related to agriculture and food security are summarised below:

Report of the exchange meeting on safeguarding future rural drinking water supply in Odisha, held at Bhubaneswar, between April 29-30, 2010
Safe drinking water for the villages in Odisha.
Posted on 05 Sep, 2010 10:23 PM

A two day workshop on "Safe guard Future drinking water supply in Odisha", was organised on 29-30 April 2010. This event was as a result of cooperation between Gram Vikas, UNICEF, Deltares and ICCO (organisations involved in water supply and sanitation) and evolved out of a felt need to engage people from diverse fields to provide inputs for designing future courses of action.

Water Jobs via DevNetJobsIndia.org dated September 01, 2010
Posted on 01 Sep, 2010 05:17 PM

Content Courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia

  • Preparation of Project Implementation Plan for Jalanidhi II

Kerala Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Agency

Sanitation models in Trichy, Tamil Nadu
Lack of sanitation affects women's health and living in the slums of Trichy Posted on 01 Sep, 2010 04:19 PM

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to visit a couple of partners in Tamil Nadu. These two partners are facing a difficult task—sanitation and hygiene implementation through community participation. One project is in the urban slums of Trichy while the other one is a rural project a few hours outside of Trichy. These communities have open defecation rates of 90%. The problem mostly lies on the women. Women feel embarrassed and ashamed to go out in the open, so as a result they only go in the early mornings or late at night—basically during pitch black. Menstrual Health is a topic that is only now being addressed with organizations developing their own branch of sanitary napkin production, sold cheaply to women in rural areas. In addition to the burden on women, open defecation pollutes water sources, thereby leading to diarrhea, one of the biggest killers of children in the developing world.