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January 4, 2023 झांसी। सरकार से लगातार अतिक्रमण की शिकायत से थक-हारकर एनजीटी के दरवाजे पर जाना मजबूरी बन गई है। झांसी के एडवोकेट बीएल भाष्कर, गिरजा शंकर राय, नरेन्द्र कुशवाहा की याचिका 165/2021 पर लगातार खेल जारी है। लगभग 82 एकड़ के नगरीय क्षेत्र के प्राचीन लक्ष्मीतालाब और 490 एकड़ के नगर-पार्क की भूमि पर बडे़ पैमाने पर अवैध कब्जे हैं। एनजीटी ने तालाब और नगर-पार्क की भूमि को कब्जामुक्त किये जाने के आदेश दिये थे। एनजीटी के आदेश पर नगर निगम और ‘झांसी विकास प्राधिकरण’ ने कुछ सात धार्मिक स्थलों को चिंहित कर उन्हें नोटिस जारी कर दिया। निजी बिल्डरों की ज़मीन के बारे में कार्रवाई करने की बजाय ‘ प्राचीन धार्मिक स्थलों’ के आड़ में प्राधिकरण अवैध भू-माफियाओं को बचाने में लगा हुआ है।
सुना है, लक्ष्मी तालाब की सुंदरता पर करोड़ों कर्च हो चुके हैं। फोटो साभार- झांसी फोटोज
December 6, 2019 A report by the India Rivers Forum highlights the need to focus further than the main stem of the Ganga river.
Distant snow clad mountains, the smaller hills and the Ganga river (Image: Srimoyee Banerjee, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
November 11, 2019 Study points to vulnerabilities faced by women in the mountains and plains of Uttarakhand, which is likely to only increase with climate change.
Ganga's riverflow at Rishikesh in Uttarakhand (Image courtesy: Ankit Singh; Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
October 24, 2019 While ice stupas have been hailed as sustainable solutions to the water problems of Ladakh’s villages, the locals think otherwise.
Ice Stupas near Phyang monastery (Image Courtsey: Sumita Roy Dutta, Wikimedia Commons)
Polavaram--solution or problem?
Dam history will be repeated with the construction of the Polavaram Dam. Unfortunately, other options that could have been looked into such as reduction of height, were ignored. Posted on 21 Sep, 2015 11:13 AM

Papi kondalu, a scenic gorge located on the lower stretches of the Godavari, will soon be engulfed within the controversial Polavaram Dam. The river serves as a visitor’s delight as it winds through the hills--the same hills that are home to primitive tribal groups such as the Kondareddys.

Papi kondalu gorge on Godavari (Source: Pranay Raj, Wikimedia Commons)
Raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height would be disastrous: Committee
News this week Posted on 16 Jun, 2015 11:16 AM

Committee warns against raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height

Sardar Sarovar Dam (Source: Shahakshay, Wikipedia)
Government clears 170 eco-zones across the country
Policy matters this week Posted on 02 Jun, 2015 05:02 AM

Centre gives nod to 170 eco- sensitive zones in the country

The Western Ghats
Heat wave claims over 500 lives in the country
News this week Posted on 25 May, 2015 08:24 PM

Over 500 people succumb to killer heat wave

Heat wave engulfs the country (Source: PTI)
Abandoned dams; abandoned people
The National Green Tribunal allowed the ongoing construction on the Kanhar dam to continue despite its many illegalities. Four people who know the situation best explain why we should be disappointed. Posted on 19 May, 2015 04:07 PM

Kanhar, 1976; Polavaram 1941. These are just two of the several dam projects that were proposed decades ago but are yet to see the light of day.

We don't want dams, dams destroy  mountains' reads a slogan painted on a wall in Uttarakhand (Image Source: GJ Lingaraj)
Kanhar: To be or not to be?
The May 7th Kanhar judgement by the National Green Tribunal validated the protesters' claims, but then also allowed the Government to 'complete earlier work'. Isn't the NGT contradicting itself? Posted on 17 May, 2015 07:20 AM

The last month has been one of great activity around the illegal construction of the Kanhar dam in Sonebhadra district of Uttar Pradesh.

A destroyed tent after the lathi charge
Every household in Delhi to pay environment tax: NGT
Policy updates this week Posted on 12 May, 2015 10:25 AM

Delhites to bear the brunt of Yamuna pollution

Yamuna river in Delhi
Water Untouched: A film on Dalits' lack of access
Forming 17% of India's popultion, Dalits still have to depend on the goodwill of dominant castes for many things including access to basics. Why? Posted on 19 Feb, 2015 08:59 AM

“The Dalits of this country get access to water on the goodwill of the dominant caste. Water to untouchables is still miles away,” says Goldy M George, a Dalit activist and an expert on Dalit rights.

A Dalit woman in Ekta Nagar, Raipur
India ranked 12th in mismanaging plastic waste
News this week Posted on 17 Feb, 2015 08:28 PM

8 million tonnes of plastic waste dumped into world's oceans in 2010: Study

Two oceans meeting at Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu
Norms violated for Ken-Betwa river link's public hearing: Activists
News this week Posted on 12 Jan, 2015 11:01 PM

Activists say that the villagers were informed late for the public hearing of the Ken-Betwa river link

People's public hearing