Conservation - Reducing Water Usage

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Featured Articles
April 4, 2024 Tackling India's water crisis: A blueprint for agricultural water efficiency
Women working in the field in India (Image: IWMI Flickr/Hamish John Appleby; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
March 25, 2024 Best practices and tips to reduce water consumption from Bangalore.
Saving every drop counts (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
May 16, 2023 For achieving real water saving through micro irrigation, a mechanism for water regulation and allocation is essential
Use of micro irrigation technology does not automatically result in a reduction in water consumption (Image: Anton: Wikimedia Commons)
April 25, 2023 पल्थरा एक छोटा सा आदिवासी गांव है, जो मध्यप्रदेश के पन्ना जिला मुख्यालय से करीब 35 किलोमीटर दूर जंगल में है। यहां समुदाय ने आगे बढ़कर जल प्रबंधन का काम अपने हाथ में ले लिया है और यहां न केवल वर्तमान में नल-जल योजना का सुचारू संचालन हो रहा है, बल्कि भविष्य में पानी की दिक्कत न हो, इस पर भी ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। यहां हर घर में नल कनेक्शन है।
जल प्रबंधन में आदर्श गांव बनने को तैयार है पल्थरा
January 1, 2023 Results show the impacts of agricultural productivity boosts in India can be highly heterogeneous
Buckingham canal near Kasturba Nagar, Adyar (Image: India Water Portal)
December 25, 2022 A study develops a prototype method by employing the remote sensing-based ecological index
rigorous post-implementation monitoring and impact assessment of assets is needed (Image: UN Women)
Applications open for Water Science Governance Programme, TERI University, New Delhi
The Programme aims to build core competencies among students, researchers, policy makers and professionals to face challenges in managing water resources
Posted on 05 Jun, 2014 12:23 AM

Get More information about the course on Water Science and Governance

Know more about TERI University

Water management
What is your water footprint?
How much water does it cost to make a product? Will calculating this cost or the 'corporate water footprint' help make businesses more water sustainable? Posted on 31 May, 2014 12:11 PM

“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” ― Benjamin Franklin

Global water footprint
Use clean coal, NGT tells Mahagenco
Policy matters this week Posted on 27 May, 2014 01:02 PM

NGT tells Mahagenco to use clean coal

Fly ash pollution (Source: The Hindu)
Access to clean water and sanitation: the rural-urban gap closes
News this week Posted on 27 May, 2014 12:21 PM

The rural-urban divide in access to sanitation reduces: UN

Many rural areas have free toilets
NGT orders Singrauli power plants to supply drinking water to residents
Policy matters this week Posted on 21 May, 2014 08:48 AM
NGT orders Singrauli power plants to supply drinking water to residents
Singrauli Coal Mines (Source: UA Satish on Flickr)
Open Happiness' or open a can of worms?
Nandlal Master has been waging a decade-long struggle against the many injustices carried out by the Coca Cola factory in Mehdiganj, Uttar Pradesh. Listen to his story. Posted on 16 May, 2014 08:11 PM

1999 was an interesting real estate year for Mehdiganj village in Uttar Pradesh. Someone began buying up land adjoining a soft drink factory owned by the Parle Company. They also began buying land from the farmers except the farmers had no idea as to whom they were selling the land to. As the boundary wall rose up, problems arose too.

Nandlal Master - fighting Coca Cola since 2002
Applications invited for the 'Training Programme on EcoSan', Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions, Bangalore
The training programme aims to increase awareness on alternative sanitation by focusing on the agricultural, social, economic and financial aspects of EcoSan.
Posted on 14 May, 2014 11:03 AM

About the Programme:

Training Programme on EcoSan
Small steps to win the big battle against water scarcity
Communities across India have created many initiatives to tackle water scarcity. While costing lesser than govt programmes, these measures have also created a bigger local impact. Posted on 11 May, 2014 09:29 PM

The recent World Water Development Report by the United Nations has projected that India's demand for water is likely to surpass availability by 2050.

Every drop counts (Vinoth Chandar via Flickr)
Tulsi leaves as a purifier or a Reverse Osmosis filter? Which would you choose?
Different types of water purification techniques are available today. Which one is better and what are the pros and cons of each? Read on to find out. Posted on 09 May, 2014 01:43 PM

Summer temperatures and water-borne diseases such as hepatitis, typhoid, cholera and gastroenteritis go hand in hand. So besides maintaining good hygiene, it is also important to monitor and maintain the quality of drinking water to prevent these diseases.

Drinking water sources

Tulsi leaves can purify water (Source: Wikipedia)
"The Earth has enough to fulfill your needs, but not your greed"
Face painting, poster making and debating, among other events, were held at Gargi Girls School in Meerut to mark and celebrate Earth Day 2014. Posted on 02 May, 2014 11:31 PM

Young Eco-Club members of Gargi Girls School, Meerut celebrated Earth Day on April 22, 2014 with two-days of festivities.

Gagri Girls School celebrates Earth Day