Climate Change

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Featured Articles
July 10, 2024 Millions of trees are fast disappearing from India's farmlands. What are its implications for agriculture and the environment?
Disappearing trees over Indian farmlands (Image Source: WOTR)
June 7, 2024 Scientists question effectiveness of nature-based CO2 removal using the ocean
Ocean ecosystem (Image: PxHere, CC0 Public Domain)
June 6, 2024 एक अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि समुद्री लू या हीटवेव (असामान्य रूप से उच्च समुद्री तापमान की अवधि) जो पहले हर साल लगभग 20 दिनों तक होती थी (1970-2000 के बीच), वह बढ़कर 220 से 250 दिन प्रति वर्ष हो सकती है। जानिए क्या होंगे इसके परिणाम?
गर्म होते महासागर
May 31, 2024 From scorching to sustainable: Building resilience against heatwaves
A multifaceted approach to urban heatwaves (Image: Sri Kolari)
April 30, 2024 As temperatures soar, what should India do to adapt to changing conditions to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change?
Heat waves sweep across India (Image: Maxpixel, CC0 Public Domain)
April 25, 2024 Understanding the impact of heat on our world
Rising temperatures, rising risks (Image: Kim Kestler,
Battling Covid-19 in Jharkhand
While tribals in Jharkhand continue to struggle with the impacts of Covid-19, WOTR has been on the frontlines helping them cope with poverty and hunger. Posted on 11 Jun, 2020 04:07 PM

Jharkhand is a state dominated by tribal communities located in eastern part of India. Agriculture, NTFP (Non-timber forest produce) collection and daily wage laborers are the prime source of income for rural Jharkhand.

Distribution of ration to cope with the impacts of the pandemic (Image Source: WOTR)
Living through Cyclone Amphan and Covid-19: Climate change and water security
In the face of frequent cyclones and floods in the region, investment and long term planning is needed on making basic services of drinking water resilient. Posted on 07 Jun, 2020 11:33 AM

The nomenclature of cyclones and hurricanes is developed much in advance through multilateral processes in the region. The name Amphan (Sky in Thai and Akash in Bangla) was chosen from a long list of potential disasters long back.

Millions of people in India and Bangladesh lost their means of employment, food, water and homes in one go during the cyclone (Image: Srikanth Kolari/ActionAid India)
Cyclone Amphan wreaks havoc in West Bengal
News this week Posted on 27 May, 2020 08:33 AM

Cyclone Amphan causes widespread destruction in West Bengal

A cyclonic storm that hit India in 2016 (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Impact of climate change on river basins in India
Climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability assessment no longer a speculative, academic endeavor. Posted on 21 May, 2020 07:29 PM

India has many reasons to be concerned about climate change. Its large population depends upon climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture and forestry for its livelihood.

Global warming (Image: Sunando Roy, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
IMD revises the onset and withdrawal dates for monsoon
News this week Posted on 04 May, 2020 02:51 PM

IMD revises monsoon calendar for the country

Image used for representational purposes only (Image Source: India Water Portal on Flickr)
Global infections from water poised to rise with climate change
As climate change handshakes water contamination, we pass by very much uncertain times. Posted on 24 Apr, 2020 04:11 PM

Climate change triggered heat waves threaten water availability

Ninjallama rues as she remembers, " It was a terrible summer. The heat wave was killing. Three people died in my village. People with skeletal fluorosis suffered .. "

Water contamination, a growing concern (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
One in every two individuals will be living in water-stressed regions by 2050: Report
News this week Posted on 23 Mar, 2020 12:27 PM

World Water Development Report 2020: Tropical countries to be worst hit by water stress

Banks of the Ramganga river (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Water, the first line of defence against climate change
A report by WaterAid calls for a tenfold increase in current levels of climate finance that goes to WASH services. Posted on 22 Mar, 2020 09:50 AM

Water insufficiency is a challenging problem globally with 1 in 10 people lacking a basic water pump or covered well close to home.

Shantilata uses a cloth to filter out the high iron content in the salty water, filled from a hand pump, in the village Sitapur on the outskirts of Bhadrak, Bhuvaneshwar, Odisha (Image: WaterAid/ Anindito Mukherjee)
Media Fellowship for Climate Change Reporting in the Himalayan Region
TERI, supported by a grant from Internews' Earth Journalism Network, is providing a six-month media fellowship for climate change in the Himalayan Region.
Posted on 14 Mar, 2020 06:01 PM

About the fellowship:

Groundwater in 30 districts in Delhi-NCR contaminated, reveals 2019 data
News this week Posted on 12 Mar, 2020 02:31 PM

30 districts in Delhi-NCR had contaminated groundwater in 2019: Water Minister

A resident in Delhi with her extracted groundwater (Source: IWP FLickr photos)