Viluppuram District

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Lets paint our cities green ! - Issues of collective effort come to the fore at the organic urban gardening conference in Chennai
A three day national conference on urban gardening seeks to answer city dwellers' quest for green with simple try-them-yourself options Posted on 06 Mar, 2013 10:25 AM

The maddening pace of cities have the potential to drive one up the wall.  But, there are options - to unwind and to mend the disconnect. Tending to plants is a popular hobby and it is a fact that a sizeable number of city dwellers have taken to gardening in the past, finding solace in twines and tendrils.

Initiation workshop in November 2011 - Study on exploring strategies for increasing per capita availability of water in Gingee town (Tamil Nadu) - DHAN Foundation
Aarti reports on the initiation workshop by Dhan Foundation. Posted on 01 Dec, 2011 11:56 AM

This workshop organised by the DHAN Foundation in the Gingee Town Panchayat (GTP) in Tamil Nadu on the 18th of November 2011, aimed at initiating a scientific study titled “Strategy for increasing per capita availability of water for Gingee town, Tamilnadu". Elected representatives of the town panchayat along with the general public and government officials participated in this workshop.

DHAN workshop
