Tamil Nadu

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Krishna river saves Chennai
Krishna river saves Chennai, rain halts life in Bangalore and doctors rescue the Yamuna are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 10 Jun, 2013 02:30 PM

Kerala welcomes the monsoons!

The monsoons finally hit Kerala on June 1, bringing respite for the drought-ridden southern state. Things are looking up this year with an expected 98% of rainfall in the state.

Monsoon hits Kerala
Does your packaged drinking water contain minerals or pollutants?
Unsafe bottled water, the ‘stink report’ and the British rescuing a river are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 03 Jun, 2013 08:36 PM

Does your packaged drinking water contain minerals or pollutants?

Unsafe bottled water
The case of the disappearing farmers
Farmers lost every day, Jindal’s hydel shares revoked and more water saving measures are the highlights this week. Posted on 14 May, 2013 08:59 AM

Only 8% of India are farmers - is the census accurate?

Rare floral diversity in the Western Ghats forests
Many plants are in equal danger of becoming as extinct as some animals. Does anyone care? Posted on 03 May, 2013 02:29 PM

A fluttering butterfly or a dashing cheetah immediately bring vivid images to mind. Does the image of a plant stir us as much? Are we as fascinated watching a flower bloom? Probably not. Maybe that’s why there is such a large focus on endangered animals and birds and not so much on plant species that are dying out.

Better sanitation facilities in industrial townships than in Metros
Mixed results from the National Urban Sanitation Policy survey, Goa's polluted groundwater level and the water deficit in Tamil Nadu are in the limelight this week. Posted on 15 Apr, 2013 08:00 PM

20 out of 423 cities score well on sanitation issues

Training on basic & advanced analysis using SPSS
Excella Orbit, a division of Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd., announces the training programme on Basic and Advanced Analysis using SPSS
Posted on 06 Apr, 2013 12:49 PM

Excella Orbit, a division of Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd., announces the training programme on Basic and Advanced Analysis using SPSS to be held at following cities; June 23 - 26, 2009 - Chennai, July 15 - 18, 2009 - Mumbai, July 28 - 31, 2009 - Hyderabad, August 10 - 13, 2009 - New Delhi. The aim of the programme is to enable participants to Input data into SPSS, select appropriate data analysis techniques, perform requisite analyses using SPSS, interpret the data output for various decision- making needs and present output to specific users in user friendly manner.

Organic gold: Learn how to prepare Panchagavya and organic pest repellents for use in your garden or farm
This video by Seetha Gopalakrishnan describes the way to make Panchgavya, a concoction made up of cow dung and urine fermented with a host of other ingredients from the farm Posted on 17 Mar, 2013 04:43 PM

Long before ‘organic’ became a buzzword, several farmers across the country practised holistic farming where nothing was considered useless. Most farmers had cattlen on their farms. While the milk was consumed by the family, the cow dung and urine were recycled back into the farm.

The story of Dhanushkodi, a cyclone hit town, where reality coexists with myths, mysteries and miracles
This article describes a visit to Dhanushkodi and the method by which the island-dwellers source sweet drinking water Posted on 16 Mar, 2013 08:55 AM

A visit to Dhanushkodi makes one wonder as to how such  peace and tranquility can at times, also unleash such fury and destruction, but then life goes on, as does for the small section of the fisherfolk who continue to inhabit the island and depend on it for their basic needs of food and drinking water, which the island continues to provide for them

Lets paint our cities green ! - Issues of collective effort come to the fore at the organic urban gardening conference in Chennai
A three day national conference on urban gardening seeks to answer city dwellers' quest for green with simple try-them-yourself options Posted on 06 Mar, 2013 10:25 AM

The maddening pace of cities have the potential to drive one up the wall.  But, there are options - to unwind and to mend the disconnect. Tending to plants is a popular hobby and it is a fact that a sizeable number of city dwellers have taken to gardening in the past, finding solace in twines and tendrils.
