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National Water Academy training programme on Hydrological Review of Existing Projects, Pune
Posted on 05 Oct, 2010 01:50 PM

National Water Academy (NWA)

Organizer: National Water Academy (NWA)

National Water Academy (NWA) is a training institution of the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India. NWA conducts training programs that cover all aspects of water resources development and management at basin scale, viz. hydrology, hydrometry and telemetry; flood management; investigation, planning and formulation of river valley projects; environmental and social aspects of river valley projects; design of dams /barrages /canals /gates/ hydro-power structures and FEM; dam safety and instrumentation; GIS and Remote Sensing; Hydro-informatics; IWRM; Water Policy; etc.

Workshops for NGO Professionals on Fund Raising, Pentagon Consultants, Pune
Posted on 16 Sep, 2010 04:25 PM

Pentagon Consultants

Organizer: Pentagon Consultants


Scientific and Technological Approaches for Sustainable Use of Water Resources - GIST Convention, Pune
Posted on 14 Sep, 2010 02:23 PM

                                             Vijnana BharatiMaharashtra Education Society (MES)


  • Vijnana Bharati
  • Maharashtra Education Society


  • River Basin Hydrology & Climate change
  • Water & Irrigated Agriculture
  • Water for Energy
  • Water for Environment
  • Water for Drinking, Domestic & Industrial Use

Venue: Maharashtra Education Society's Abasaheb Garaware College Karve Road, Pune 411004 (Maharashtra) India


Global Indian Scientists and Technocrats (GIST) forum is a unique knowledge exchange platform for Indian scientists and technocrats spread within the country and across the world. The forum will facilitate to give a holistic approach using science & technology for creating definitive path towards sustainable development

Augmenting groundwater resources by artificial recharge: A case study of Kolwan valley by ACWADAM
Rise in groundwater resources by artificial recharge- a study of Kolwan Valley Posted on 24 Aug, 2010 04:19 PM

The presentation by ACWADAM deals with a case study of augmenting groundwater resources by artificial recharge in Kolwan valley, Mulshi taluka, Pune. The DfID funded project was undertaken by the British Geological Survey in collaboration with its partners in India from 2002–2005. The objectives of the study were:

  • Improved knowledge of the impacts of managed aquifer recharge in different physical and socio-economic settings.
  • Guidance on scope and effectiveness of managed aquifer recharge for implementers, funders and policy makers.
  • Dissemination of knowledge.

Seeds of hope - Case studies from the Planning Commission and Lokayan
This set of case studies is part of a book prepared by Lokayan in collaboration with the Planning Commission titled “Seeds of Hope" Posted on 12 Jul, 2010 03:33 AM

This set of case studies is part of a book prepared by Lokayan in collaboration with the Planning Commission titled “Seeds of Hope", covers themes of agricultur

Sustainable sanitation and water management ‘Training of Trainers’ course, ECOSAN, Pune
Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 10:23 AM

Ecosan Services Foundation

Ecosan Services Foundation in collaboration with the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Resources Management Network Asia (SSWRMNA) is offering a SSWM Trainers course.



The training of trainer’s course modules will focus on teaching methods and the design of target group oriented SSWM modules to optimize knowledge transfer. It will enable trainers to design and conduct their own SSWM courses incorporating the philosophy and principles of adult learning in sustainable sanitation and water management scenario.

Sustainable sanitation and water management ‘Expert training course’, ECOSAN, Pune
Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 10:04 AM

Ecosan Services Foundation

Ecosan Services Foundation in collaboration with the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Resources Management Network Asia (SSWRMNA) is offering a SSWM Expert course.

Venue: Pune


Water resources are under increasing pressure. Population growth, urbanization and a steep increase in water consumption for domestic uses, agriculture and industry has created a water crisis. Climate change is exacerbating the problems of water availability. This scenario leads to water scarcity and water-conflicts worldwide and seriously undermines progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Training on groundwater, ACWADAM, Pune
Posted on 14 Jun, 2010 12:40 PM


Organizer: ACWADAM

Main Topics:

Groundwater Management - Typology of challenges, approaches and opportunities - Research papers from the conference organised by ACWADAM and Arghyam at Pune (May 2009)
This article is about the workshop on groundwater was organised by ACWADAM and Arghyam Trust in Pune in May 2009. Posted on 17 Mar, 2010 04:40 AM

ACWADAMA workshop on groundwater was organised by ACWADAM and Arghyam Trust in Pune in May 2009, that brought together several experts in the field, and explored diverse topics such as the importance of scale in groundwater resource planning and management, importance of aquifer typologies, participatory processes of groundwater management, groundwater regulation and groundwater linkages with watershed development, markets and policy matters.

The attempt of the workshop and research papers presented, was to highlight contemporary issues in groundwater management, and to look at it through the multiple lenses of hydrogeology, sociology, economics, livelihoods, environment, disasters and so on.

Hydrogeological studies for improved groundwater management strategies in the dryland areas underlain by Deccan basalts - ACWADAM
This report by ACWADAM includes a detailed action research study in ten villages of eastern Purandar of Pune district, Maharashtra on the movement of groundwater and the situational base. Posted on 02 Mar, 2010 05:18 PM
WatershedThis detailed hydro-geological action research study in ten villages of Eastern Purandar taluka in Pune district (which is classified as a dark zone due to excessive groundwater exploitation) gives a good picture of groundwater resources in the area, and complements it with allied information such as weather data, socio-economic details, thematic groundwater maps, aquifer information, groundwater usage and its recharge-discharge relationship in space-time. 
The study was undertaken by ACWADAM and GGP, with a purpose to provide a platform for implementing agencies for on-the-ground action towards better groundwater management practice through community based efforts, as well as to advocate the typology of groundwater problems, that require specific approaches for mitigation. 
The starts with a basic introduction to the study area, objectives and methodology adopted, and is followed by sections on the accumulation and movement of groundwater and the situational base. These two sections have details about the drainage, geology and hydro-geology of the region, groundwater over-exploitation, groundwater salinity, community-based groundwater systems, groundwater characteristics, base flow in streams, water quality, weather, pumping tests, hydro-chemical characteristics, pollution indicators, socio-economic aspects, remote sensing maps and more.
The study recommends that to improve the groundwater situation in the area, new soil/water conservation structures be built in the upper reaches of the watershed, and focus for the existing soil/water conservation structures be on maintenance and repairs. It concludes with a list of specific action-recommendations based on three typologies - groundwater over-exploitation, inland groundwater salinity and community-based groundwater management.This detailed hydro-geological action research study in ten villages of Eastern Purandar taluka in Pune district (which is classified as a dark zone due to excessive groundwater exploitation) by ACWADAM gives a good picture of groundwater resources in the area, and complements it with allied information such as weather data, socio-economic details, thematic groundwater maps, aquifer information, groundwater usage and its recharge-discharge relationship in space-time. 