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Arunachal becomes open defecation free
News this week Posted on 03 Jan, 2018 09:44 AM

Arunachal achieves the open defecation free status

A toilet constructed under SBM. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Save Thane Creek
The rich biodiversity of Thane Creek needs to be protected for it supports various flora and fauna with flamingos as its major attraction. Posted on 27 Dec, 2017 03:53 PM

Thane Creek is an inlet along the shoreline of the Arabian Sea that isolates the city of Mumbai from the Indian mainland. It is Asia's largest creek with a length of 26 km. The creek is lined up with mangroves on both sides and plays host to a lot of species ranging from iconic flamingos to tiny crabs. 

Thane Creek (Source: GIZ)
Hotels and industries polluting the Ganga to be sealed
Policy matters this week Posted on 27 Dec, 2017 11:43 AM

Hotels, industries, ashrams polluting the Ganga to be sealed

Ganga river at Sangam, Allahabad (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Cauvery loaded with toxins
News this week Posted on 27 Dec, 2017 11:10 AM

Cauvery found to be the most toxic river in the country 

Cauvery river at Hogenakal, Karnataka. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos via Claire Arni and Oriole Henri)
Water for future
How do we conserve water so we do not have to face acute shortage in the future? Posted on 22 Dec, 2017 03:12 PM

Water, the most precious commodity is being abused to such an extent that there is fear that this might lead to another world war or it may be difficult even to get drinking water. Water is indeed an integral part of human body as it accounts for 66 percent of it.

Water is a precious commodity. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
MGNREGA failed to curb migration: Survey
Policy matters this week Posted on 20 Dec, 2017 11:44 AM

Survey reveals MGNREGA failed to curb migration

Labourers build check dams under MGNREGA. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Farmer suicide cases decrease: Govt data
News this week Posted on 20 Dec, 2017 11:22 AM

Government data shows decreasing suicide trend among farmers for the second consecutive year

A farmer in his field. (Source: India Water Portal)
India faces superbugs
Superbugs can not only render antibiotics useless but lead to prolonged suffering and death in humans. Focus on better sanitation and public awareness is the need of the hour. Posted on 20 Dec, 2017 10:53 AM

There is a huge dearth of cleanliness in India--open defecation is rampant; garbage management in most cities is in shambles; toxic hospital and industrial wastes and sewage are allowed to drain into water sources and food products are laced with chemicals.

Highly polluted rivers such as the Yamuna can breed superbugs. (Source: IWP Flickr Photo)
National Seminar on Energy Efficient Green Options: Water and Wastewater Systems
Institution of Public Health Engineers, India is organising the National Seminar on Energy Efficient Green Options: Water and Wastewater Systems in India International Centre at New Delhi.
Posted on 19 Dec, 2017 06:36 PM

Aims & Objectives of Seminar: The prime objective of this one-day endeavor is to raise awareness and bring together experience and knowledge base for creating Energy consciousness among the managers and Engineers of Water supply & Waste water systems.

Looking for water source
The annual monsoon provides over 200 lakh crore buckets of water. Where does all this water come from? Posted on 19 Dec, 2017 05:18 PM

It rains about 900 mm during a normal monsoon year over India and if we assume that about 80 percent of India is covered by this rain, then the estimated volume of water is well over 200 lakh crore buckets. It comes to two lakh buckets per person. Where does all this water come from? 

A map that shows warm Indian Ocean temperatures in colours and thin contours and blue thick contours that delineate major moisture sources for the monsoon.