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Life in water webinar on Freshwater invertebrates
This webinar aims at providing a glimpse of the wealth of diversity harboured by freshwater habitats.
Posted on 12 Jun, 2020 05:35 PM


Railway stations to be categorised based on wastewater generation
Policy matters this week Posted on 11 Jun, 2020 09:08 PM

Railway stations to be classified based on wastewater generation

A wastewater treatment plant in Bengaluru (Image source: Vishwanath Srikantaiah)
Fire in Assam to have catastrophic effect on ecozones: Experts
News this week Posted on 11 Jun, 2020 09:04 PM

Fire breaks at an oil well in Assam damaging ecozones around the site

Migratory birds flock Maguri Beel, which is 500 m away from the incident site (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Northeast fights Covid-19
While Northeast appears to be better off than the rest of India in the number of Covid cases, how are migrants from the North East coping? Posted on 09 Jun, 2020 11:34 PM

While Covid-19 has left many countries including India in the line of fire, the situation in India is now getting particularly alarming with the number of people infected by Covid-19 rising at a rapid pace.

Ration distribution to the migrants (Image Source: Sunbird Trust)
Webinar: Safe drinking water and the Sustainable Development Goals
CAWST, Sehgal Foundation, and UNICEF are coming together to co-deliver a webinar on safe drinking water.
Posted on 08 Jun, 2020 01:32 PM

For the last four years, CAWST and Sehgal Foundation have been organizing and co-delivering training workshops on safe drinking water in India. This time, experts from CAWST, Sehgal Foundation, and UNICEF are coming together to co-deliver a webinar on the important topic of safe drinking water.

Objectives of the webinar:

Living through Cyclone Amphan and Covid-19: Climate change and water security
In the face of frequent cyclones and floods in the region, investment and long term planning is needed on making basic services of drinking water resilient. Posted on 07 Jun, 2020 11:33 AM

The nomenclature of cyclones and hurricanes is developed much in advance through multilateral processes in the region. The name Amphan (Sky in Thai and Akash in Bangla) was chosen from a long list of potential disasters long back.

Millions of people in India and Bangladesh lost their means of employment, food, water and homes in one go during the cyclone (Image: Srikanth Kolari/ActionAid India)
Covid-19 hits women’s access to menstrual hygiene products
The lockdown has adversely impacted access to menstrual hygiene information and products, reveals a survey by the Menstrual Health Alliance India. Posted on 04 Jun, 2020 08:49 AM

In an effort to raise concerns around effective menstrual health, Menstrual Health Alliance India (MHAI), a network working on menstrual health and hygiene in India, Dasra, a philanthropic organisation and, a technology platform for social change hosted an online workshop recent

Menstrual cycle and personal hygiene items (Image: Marco Verch, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0); Flickr Commons)
Packaged drinking water units' woes: A Covid -19 perspective
The sudden, prolonged and unplanned disruption in the operations of packaged drinkiging water units due to lockdown has left these units deal with a situation which they have never faced before. Posted on 01 Jun, 2020 05:03 PM

Novel Corona virus is constantly changing its symptoms, speed and scale with an alarming regularity and posing a stiff challenge to scientists, governments and frontline warriors as it assumes pandemic proportions around the globe. 

Filtration plants in a packaging water units (Image source: Tushar Trivedi)
India’s deepening water crisis - need for a response at scale
Capacity building and data should not be seen as one-time activities but as a foundation for impactful, sustainable, large scale programmes. Posted on 01 Jun, 2020 03:22 PM

The water crisis in India has been in the making for sometime now, and the current COVID-19 pandemic has further brought to fore the challenges of safe water and hygiene, necessary for survival.

Residents of a village built a farm-pond and repurposed it to suit their needs (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Agricultural crop substitution can bridge rural and urban water needs
Rural and urban water crisis in India can be addressed through adaptive changes in current agricultural practices, as per a study in Maharashtra by the Indian School of Business. Posted on 01 Jun, 2020 02:51 PM

With 85 percent of water being utilized for agriculture in India, a gradual shift in agriculture towards water-intensive crops have exposed the country to an increased threat of water crisis. The erratic nature of monsoons adds to this exposure and calls for judicious use of water resources, especially in the dry regions.

Cropping pattern in Maharashtra over the past 40 years has shifted towards water-intensive crops like sugarcane (Image: Terry Sunderland/CIFOR)