
Term Path Alias


World running out of groundwater: NASA
News this week Posted on 23 Jun, 2015 11:15 PM

Humans are consuming groundwater rapidly: NASA

A dried up well
Micro approach to fight growing water crisis
Data shows that micro irrigation such as drip systems can reduce water losses and increase crop production -- if it overcomes some hurdles. Posted on 18 Jun, 2015 10:45 AM

Karnataka is planning the world's biggest micro irrigation project by bringing 7 lakh hectares of land under drip and other systems, and along with

Sprinklers cover 2.86 percent of total irrigation land in India
Centre gives a uniform definition to the term 'Open Defecation Free'
Policy matters this week Posted on 16 Jun, 2015 11:23 AM

New criteria for villages and Gram Panchayats to be termed Open Defacation Free

An open defecation free zone in Salem
Raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height would be disastrous: Committee
News this week Posted on 16 Jun, 2015 11:16 AM

Committee warns against raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height

Sardar Sarovar Dam (Source: Shahakshay, Wikipedia)
Goa river waters contains high content of feacal coliform: Study
News this week Posted on 08 Jun, 2015 11:13 PM

Goa rivers water unfit for human consumption: GSPCB

River Sal in Goa (Source: Joel's Goa Pics via Flickr)
Yet another expert body formed to review Uttarakhand hydel project
Policy matters this week Posted on 08 Jun, 2015 08:30 PM

Centre constitutes third expert body to review Uttarakhand dams

River Ganga at Kaudiyala, Uttarakhand
Government clears 170 eco-zones across the country
Policy matters this week Posted on 02 Jun, 2015 05:02 AM

Centre gives nod to 170 eco- sensitive zones in the country

The Western Ghats
No relief to Yamuna even after reduced sewage flows in Delhi
News this week Posted on 02 Jun, 2015 01:20 AM

Yamuna pollution stays the same, despite a drop in sewage flow

Garbage piled high near the Yamuna river
WASH Educators Training (WET) 2015 at VIKSAT, Ahmedabad
VIKSAT announces the next batch of the WASH Educators Training (WET 2015), especially for women, working on issues related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
Posted on 01 Jun, 2015 04:00 PM

How can growing groundwater crisis be dealt with?
A regulatory framework that protects the resource and good practices of participatory groundwater management -- both essential features of groundwater governance -- are necessary to manage the crisis. Posted on 30 May, 2015 12:17 PM

India is highly dependant on groundwater.

Water, a scarce resource