Indian Social Institute,
10, Institutional area,
Lodhi Road (Behind Sai Baba Temple)
New Delhi
Citizen’s Front for Water Democracy and Focus on the Global South in partnership with PEACE, Delhi Journalist Association and Water Workers Alliance
Today, water has become a scarce resource and it has been predicted that water scarce countries will be facing hydrological poverty if actions are not taken urgently. In order to avert this disaster, the national governments in partnership with the World Bank and the transnational water corporation have designed a new mechanism, the Public Private Partnership (PPP), which would make water rather a more scarce commodity and will be available to those who can afford it.
The conference
Given the current wave of privatization projects through PPPs in India, the conference is organized to discuss about the PPP model in water sector in India and to learn from state and regional experiences and plan strategies to protect water as a common good which cannot be privatized or commodified.
Contact details
Mansi Sharma: Phone - 98188-09018; Email:
SA Naqvi (Citizen’s Front for Water Democracy): Phone -9871449968; Email:
Afsar Jafri (Focus on the Global South, India): Phone - 9582070803; Email:
Anil Pandey (Delhi Journalist Association): Phone - 9968256956; Email:
Sanjay Sharma (Water Workers Alliance): Phone - 9716621234; Email: