People's Science Institute (PSI) in collaboration with Arghyam
About the workshop
A training programme on Participatory Groundwater Management (PGWM) in the Himalayan region to promote integration of geohydrology and mainstream watershed management with a key focus on creating local “barefoot geohydrologists” to enhance equity and quality in groundwater use in India’s Himalayanregion.
People's Science Institute
653, Indira Nagar
Dehra Doon - 248 006
Uttarakhand, (India)
Participation fees
Rs. 1500/ which includes stay at a hotel for 14 days, food and training material
Application procedure
Please fill up registeration form and mail to
Contact details
For further information please contact
- Dr. Sunesh Sharma (9456578242)
- Ms. Shubhoshree Banerjee (7409633707)