T.S Badrinarayanan

T.S Badrinarayanan
Termite mounds as hydrologic indicators - Case studies from three taluks of Coimbatore district - Tamil Nadu
This paper describes termite mounds as useful indicators for groundwater exploration
Posted on 03 Nov, 2009 07:05 PM

This paper describes the findings of a study that was conducted to validate the findings of earlier studies and observations that have been conducted in ancient texts in India that describe termite mounds as useful indicators for groundwater exploration.

Hydrofracturing - A new approach to revitalize bore-wells
This brief examines the various hydrofracturing techniques, principles, equipment involved, procedure and operative processes, as well as performance limitations of the method.
Posted on 28 Oct, 2009 05:38 PM

Hydro-fracturing is a new approach to revitalise bore wells to improve its yield, by injecting water at high pressure in the failed bore wells to break up fissures, clean away mud and other impurities, thus bringing it in contact with adjacent water bearing bodies, and thereby yield water.
