Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal II (Government of India)

Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal II (Government of India)
The report of the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II (2010)
The three-member Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II, constituted in 2004 headed by Justice Brijesh Kumar gave its judgement on December 30, 2010.
Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 08:26 PM

KWDT-II freshly assessed the yearly yields in the Krishna and determined the award on the basis of the yearly yield at 65 per cent dependability which was assessed at a total of 2,293 tmcft. 

In its order, announced in an open court, the tribunal allocated a total share of 1,001 tmcft to Andhra Pradesh, 911 tmcft to Karnataka and 666 tmcft to Maharashtra with certain restrictions imposed on each State in keeping with the dependable flows of the rivers on which the allocations have been made. The allocation under the first award (KWDT I) was 811 tmcft for Andhra Pradesh, 734 tmcft for Karnataka and 585 tmcft for Maharashtra.
